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MP3 Player Mod.. Wav, whatever.. ;)


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One of my favorite mods for Morrowind was the mp3 player mod..


I believe this is possible for Kotor 2 as well,,,

(If by chance its already been done, please send me a link, as I couldnt find it....)


I could probably make this, but I dont do dialog editing, mainly because I use a low resolution monitor(SDTV), and the editor was obviously designed for higher resolutions..


(meaning even if I change the dpi, I cant see all the fields and have the text remain readable at the same time)




What would need to be done, is an interface made(see defenders wrist console or Hakpad), and it should have like 10-20 entries,...




1. Play Track 1

2. Play Track 2




Each would set a global to the corresponding number, Off = 0, track1 = 1, etc, .


The interface should be launched via an armband, then when you select a track in the interface it sets the global, and lauches the script that plays the selected track number..




NOTE: you might have to set day/night state, as I dont, think kotor uses



// 428: Change the background day track for oArea to nTrack.

// - oArea

// - nTrack

void MusicBackgroundChangeDay(object oArea, int nTrack, int nStreamingMusic = FALSE);


// 429: Change the background night track for oArea to nTrack.

// - oArea

// - nTrack

void MusicBackgroundChangeNight(object oArea, int nTrack, int nStreamingMusic = FALSE);




EXample Code...


void main()



int TrackNumber=GetGlobalNumber("MP3Track");

string nTrack;


String nTrack1="Track1.wav";

String nTrack2="Track2.wav";

String nTrack3="Track3.wav";



int Do=0;


if (TrackNumber == 1)



Do=Do + 1;


else if (TrackNumber == 2)



Do=Do + 2;



if (Do==1)


MusicBackgroundChangeNight(oArea, nTrack, FALSE)


else if (Do == 2)


MusicBackgroundChangeNight(oArea, nTrack, FALSE)





Or something to that effect...


So all the user would have to do is convert songs to .wav files(or mp3 if kotor can read them) then rename them as track1.wav, etc, in the override folder, or streaming music, whatever works.... And voila, portable mp3 player.. :)


Anyways, hope someone tries this, I think its doable, if no one attempts it, I might do it, but I need a dlg editor that I can use at low res.



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One of my favorite mods for Morrowind was the mp3 player mod..


I believe this is possible for Kotor 2 as well,,, I could probably make this, but I dont do dialog editing, mainly because I use a low resolution monitor(SDTV),


What would need to be done, is an interface made(see defenders wrist console or Hakpad), and it should have like 10-20 entries,...


It should be possible to do, at least the "jukebox" is working to change battle music in the CSA mod. However you will need to add the music tracks to the ambientmusic.2da file, since you can't specify the ResRef of the area music track to play directly in a script. Then a single script looking something like this should be enough:

void main() {
   object oArea = GetArea(OBJECT_SELF);
   MusicBackgroundChangeDay(oArea, GetScriptParameter(1));
   MusicBackgroundChangeNight(oArea, GetScriptParameter(1));


You'd then call that script as the Action script on all the dialog nodes where you change the music, and set the first script parameter on the dialog node (P1 in the DLG Editor) to the line number in ambientmusic.2da of the track to play for each node.


DLG files are GFF files, so you can edit them with a GFF Editor directly, though it's more work than using the DLG Editor.

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edited.. Again... :)


Ok, i got it working now... So anyways, the kotor 1 version should be done soon..


Edit: Alright this mod is up on pcgamemods now, its for Kotor 1, I will get a TSL version done, eventually,... :)


MP3 Player v1.0


Try it out, lemme know if there are any bugs...



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