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Question about Adding Models.


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Howdy folks,


I recently picked up this and was got to thinking, man...this would be perfect for a Wing Commander mod. So, here is my question: How do I add models to the game? In so far as modeling goes, i've got that handeled, but what i've fallen short of information on is how I get my ships in engine. I've searched high and low and come up short every time.


So, if anyone could point me in the right direction, i'd be much obliged.



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Awesome, appreciate the help. Now, my only other concern would be with naming conventions. I'm assuming whatever i name the bones in Max need to have the same name in the XML file? Or do the weapons all need to be named according to what's already in place?


BTW, I did find one deal about XML files, the only reason I know about them.



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