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does evrybody h8 wen in the game, u have successfully stealthed ur way around a whole area, but then u have 2 interface with a computer and then poof! ur visible again!


in the XBOX version of KotOR 1, a player could use a computer without the stealth dissapearring so could sumbody make this so.... or suggest how i can do it. thx

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does evrybody h8 wen in the game, u have successfully stealthed ur way around a whole area, but then u have 2 interface with a computer and then poof! ur visible again!


The script a_compdlg.ncs is used to start most of the computer terminal dialogs. If you modify it like...

void main() {

...you will remain stealthed when entering dialog mode (which computers are, technically). It may stick for normal conversations in the same area as you used the terminal as well though afterwards.


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