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As part of the my CoOp work, I've come across a problem with G_Alloc running out of space. Well, I looked at the actual function and it seems a bit inefficent. It only allocates in 32 char chunks and never allows for deallocation.


Does anyone know of a more efficent way to do G_Alloc()?

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I would try using trap_TrueMalloc and trap_TrueFree, best methods that I know of. And can be used from all of the modules.


trap_TrueMalloc example:


g_sess is clientSession * and trueMalloc wants the first arg to be a void **, second arg is the size you wish to alloc.


trap_TrueMalloc( (void **)&g_sess, g_maxclients.integer * sizeof( clientSession_t ) );


trap_TrueFree example:


argument is the pointer you are freeing from truemalloc and again wants **


trap_TrueFree( (void **)&g_sess );


you really do not need (void **) but gcc likes to be picky about those kinds of things.

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