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Ali Gelmar

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Well, I suppose the reskinning can just be for the head, since a quick appearance.2da change can take care of her/his body model.


Wouldn't be too difficult, since all felines tend to be more, well... feminine-like??? (I don't know how else to put it, but yeah, ya'll know what I mean. I hope :p )

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hmmm... i can try what i did for my cathar female kotor 2 pc ( my first mod and will hopefullly be posted soon :p ), which is put the skin for j's head on a male head but the hair would be and issue, then again if he is bald it will be ok, tho i'm guesin u mean a cathar male and not just a normal male right???


if any 1 can sort out the hair for me i can do the rest, i'll have it done by tomotr 6:00 english time edit: (its like late now soo i'm off to sleep)


edit: oh yeh 1 Q what about the female voice for her how r u gonna sort that out

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