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force illusions


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ok this is just a force power meant for a retreat.


so i cant really explain this so here is a story about it


bascaly you are a wounded revan / exile and you cant take another hit

but wait whats this... force illusions

BANG 3 spawned holo jedi are spawned and you are invisible

but wait the spawned jedi are weak and will die soon

you must hurry and run (or use force boom, an earlier request)


p.s. i know i sound like a cower and run person but its actually a more fake cower and run then sneak behind and BOOOM

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Explain better and I'll probably do it.


And: give me duration (or you should became visible as soon as holograms die???) of this Force power, is it DS/Universal/LS? What are stats for those weak Jedis.

Give me as much info as possible.

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ok duration is how ever long they live

stats are basicaly the players health but about 10% so as you level up and become stronger so will they


it will just spawn the 3 jedi and they will die soon but it will allow you to take shelter or type `heal :)

also it and these jedi will attack the enemy instantly but die

and theats it realy

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Do you mean a force power that put you in to camo mode and spawn who fight until dead then when you reapear. sounds nice shame I cant do it.

Yes you're absolutely right.

Forgot to ask is it for KI or TSL:)?

On what level can you get it?

I've finished it, all I have to do is what I've asked in this message.

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