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Question about moves and mods


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I have searched high and low for an answer or a mod to address my problem but have found nothing so far. My question is fairly simple, why can my enemies perform moves that I cannot? So far I have seen a floating cartwheel used as a dodge (i.e. not the one actually listed in the moves list), additional katas that I do not see listed or explained anywhere, and kicks with single sabers. Is there a way to unlock these moves in the game? Is there a mod developed by a mod master that would somehow incorporate these moves into the SP game? Perhaps I am being too picky but it really drives me nuts when my enemies can do something I cannot. Typically it’s the other way around, but now my PC is the one wracked with limitations and inadequacies. I really would appreciate any answers or links. I just recently blew the dust off of this game and ran its install; it would be nice if there were a few new perks for the second run. Thanks in advance.


P.S. Just incase anyone is planning at yelling at me about doing a forum search I would like you to know that I already have. I see that kicks are not allowed but nothing about a mod that incorporates this, as well as other moves, into the SP game.

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