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Unique Bounty Hunter Armors

Jorad Khor

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as I am a nerd at modding I don´t know if it´s possible at all to create totally new stuff as new armors or such.

I like the design of the jedi and sith mask that only cover the fronts of the faces but I always wanted them to be full helmets. Darth Moeller released some cool helmets (see http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/TSL_Jedi_Sith_Battle_Helmets_Mod;66225) and I thought: "Hey, it´d be cool if these were real helmets".

So I wanted to ask, if someone could make full helmets out of these. Maybe by combining them with the boba/jango fett style mando helmets. So these helmets have these cool visors in red or blue (light/dark side) and the antennae from the fett helmets.


Also it would be cool if the movie mandal armors could be combined with these helmet and the jetpacks. I would be going crazy if someone could come up with a unique new and cool bounty hunter armor.


To cut it short: I´d love to get an armor combining the fett/mando armors with jetpacks and helmets that have the same front as the jedi/sith masks. And I would go totally nuts if these armors would come in different multi-color schemes like Boba's armor (looking used and scratched).


Is this possible?

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Problem with full helmets is the head underneath. Basically, but I could be wrong, any headgear you have is placed atop the actual head model. What this means is that instead of a tight smooth looking fitted helm you get a tight smooth looking fitted helm with spiky hair (if your character has it) sticking out the top. Or since some of the characters faces are modeled differently, you might find yourself with a prominent nose or chin sticking out the front. This is the reason why helmets all became 'masks' in the game. They figure out what's the maximum that anything sticks out of any of the heads and float the masks at such a point in front of that point that nothing sticks out.


ALL that being said, some helmets are possible. Unfortunately they all look far too large to me, mainly as they're modelled to be large enough that none of the models' hair or facial features stick out. If PCGM is feeling frisky, it might be up, then you can go ahead and search on their. There are a few Boba Fett type helmets (more bobble-headed Bobas to me, but you might like them) on there, as well as several hoods.


As for your requests, contact the makers of all the mods you want to see used in the process, then see if you can't convince one of them to give it a try if they all agree. ;)

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I really hope this request gets some attention, I've also wanted to see some good, original helmets.


Does anyone know if it would be possible to create a helmet that acts as a head model? No facial animations would be needed, and even the head turning and such may not be required. If that's possible then maybe someone could find a way to switch heads when the helmet is equipped. Using a disguise property may work, using a new line in appearance.2da with the helmet as the head model... though it'd only work for one body type.

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I understand the hair-poking-thru' problem. SithRevant did those Ubese helmets upon my request. I used them on the bald-headed black PC, so no hair-problem occured. I thought maybe someone could make a helmet like the Fett helmets with some altered visor style or maybe even a all new helmet? Or what about those helmets from the Sith Commandos? Take one of them and change the color sheme to look more like a Bounty Hunter armor? Maybe multicolered? And worn-out?

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