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Jedi Academy Filmmaker In Need Of Record/Demo Info!


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Hello Raven Forums,


I'm the lead creator of the Jedi Academy machinima series, Star Wars Unbalanced. (http://starwarsunbalanced.net) (Note: The forums on the site got completely spammed. I need to fix them. Ignore the spam for now.)


Anyway, we haven't created an episode in a long time, and the cast and I were thinking about continuing the series, but this time, bigger and better! :cool:


Last time I used FRAPS to capture the video. That requires me to use two computers as well. One for the "camera" and the other for me playing my character. It's extremely difficult to give the camera fluid motion when I need my hands on two computers at the same time. That being said, I was looking into filming with the demo record tool. The basics are fairly easy and I've made a couple demo files so far. The reason I'm posting though is because I want to have a free and movable camera in demo playback. I want to be able to record everything in the demo without worrying about the camera shots yet, and AFTER the demo has been recorded, go back in and move the spectator camera around. This will allow me to have consistent scenes and all I'll have to do is fly around in spectator mode and film away. If I screw something up, I can just reload the demo and get a new shot. The amount of scenes the rest of the cast would need to do would be greatly reduced as well, because of course it'd just get recorded the first time in the demo.


Heh, I think I've typed enough for a simple question. :rolleyes: Guys, please, how do I "detach" the camera or spectator mode from the demo player and can free roam with it around my demo? I've seen a few mods for Quake 3 that do it, but I haven't gotten them to work for JKA, despite both using the same underlying engine.


Thank you so much! A speedy response/solution would be much appreciated!


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When you are "live" in spec mode it does but he wants to be able to use freecam mode during playback of the demos.


The only thing I can suggest is going to own-age.com and asking around there. I believe there is a mod like this for Q3A. Perhaps it could be adapted by someone with coding skills.

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  • 4 weeks later...
If the code for such a mod is freely available, I could probably add it to OJP.


I found a mod that does it:




On that page, look at the "Red Slushie Mod"... you can change camera angles in demo playback with their viewpos and democam commands. Could someone PLEASE add that feature to OJP or something?


Thank you very much,


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