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Slight Problem w/ Dantooine in TSL ..


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When you talk to Terena you can ask something to the effect of 'do people here really hate the Jedi' - and then you get a quest, which involves improving the reputation of the Jedi on the planet. I can't seem to complete this quest.


The only thing I can do to change the quest in the journal is to disturb that guy who's working next to the Ebon Hawk. He either spazzes out when he sees your lightsaber, or when he overhears that protocol droid call you a Jedi (if playing DS though, you can just kill him to get some influence with HK-47 .. Lol).


I can also, after some prodding, persuade Berun to actually speak up for the Jedi in future, but this doesn't effect the Journal at all - even though it seems like it should be related ..


Usually I just avoid getting the quest in the first place, but I'm a perfectionist about these things, so any help with this would be appreciated. :)

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