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How do you change the color of your saber in the console?! ::important::


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how do you change your sabercolour through the console? I need to know this to do a quick video.

I know you do /sabercolor but not what to put after

if i type just /sabercolor in it says:


"/sabercolor <saber_num 1 or 2> <R> <G> <B> where (R,G,B) are colours between 0 and 255"


I've tried to figure how to do it.. but i cant i've tried doing:

"/sabercolor saber_1 255 0 0"

"/sabercolor <saber_1> <255> <0> <0>"

"/sabercolor saber_1 <255> <0> <0>"

"/sabercolor saber_1 255,0,0"


(without the quote marks) but none have worked, can anyone give me an example on how to do it please? thanks for any help


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in the console, you're supposed to type:


sabercolor 1 red


if you want your saber to be red. Now if you're using dual sabers, putting sabercolor 1 will change the color of your right saber, and if you put sabercolor 2 it will change the color of the left one. For a saber staff, you can only change the right blade. Having a red and blue double-bladed lightsaber is actually pretty cool XD. If you have any questions about this just tell me.

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