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can at-at's fire at air units?

Guest dr_death

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Guest dr_death

at-at's and the equivilent for the game are realy hard units, but it would be a shame if air units could take them down, it would be slow but eventually they could

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by Necro

i agree, even if u look in the movies, they take down a few snowspeeders, plus they should be able to step on tree's/people!


same here it would look cool if a at-at stepped on units. :p

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Guest Admiral Odin

It would be hilarious if for there was an animation of a guy waving his arms as the at at stepped on him.


I think the At At should fire on air units. It would be cool.


side note I have the worst post count: 666.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Necro

i agree, even if u look in the movies, they take down a few snowspeeders, plus they should be able to step on tree's/people!


DANG! beat me too it :D


your right, but i think that it would be really unbalanced if they did do that. What could stop an ATAT with AA guns?


Besides, if you gave it to the ATAT then you'd have to give it to every Heavy Assault Mech, and a MTT definately can't shoot at aircraft.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by xwing guy

If you think about all units should be able to shoot at air units but they would make the game quite unbalanced.


but not if you made air units more powerfull.


Which could be a possibility. Have everything be able to fire at air units, but give them 150 HP or something of the sort.

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Guest xwing guy

Yeah and you made it that all units wouldn't be very accurate in shooting at air units except the AA specfic units like the missle towers, AA units and AA troops.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

AHhhh to much balance for me. I think some units should over power others with no counter units, like one race would have one of these units.

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