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Full bao-dur to Darth maul revamp

maul 2112

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well basicaly im asking if anyone could do me a favour and edit bao-dur so he can have:

roughly accurate darth maul skin with lightside - darkside transaction

darth mauls chest with a sort of darth sion clothing style - that will allow bao-dur to wear them

darth mauls lightsaber hilt (i cant find this anywhere)

hide bao-dur's arm

make him a jedi/sith



btw this is for [TSL] if anyone can do this for me

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yeah thanks they will for anyone thinking of taking on this project (hoping for some good modders - oldflash, prime, redhawke,nineball (i noticed you did a great darth talon) ... and many others (i couldnt remember your names) since i have absolutely no modding exp



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