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Skill progression glitch/bug


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I've noticed something weird, by this moment I think we all noticed it really, but I didn't see it asked anywhere on this forum (sorry if the topic was treated before but I did extensive reasearch and didn't found anything):

When you start a new game and select a class that class gets the correct amount of skill points at generation and everytime you level up. For example: the Scout, who has 6 points in the "classes.2da" file gets a basic equal to the half of that number, like any other class on startup. To that you've to add the Intelligence bonus. Now this is when the first issue comes: when you generate your character points are rewarded as they should, 1 for every +1 modifier of Intelligence your character has, and the same for negatives. However when you start levelling up though the modifier still applies correctly, you CANNOT SAVE POINTS!!! Or they don't save correctly. As an example: I create my Scout an give him 12 on Int. this equals a modifier of 1, wich adds to the basic of 3 and multiplied by four gives me 16 skill points. Now let's suppose I want to save 4 of those points for when I reach my first level of Sentinel. I save them. Now I reach my second level and go to the skill table to distribute my new points, surprise I've 4 points only!!! Wich means that I've the 4 that I receive every level up but the 4 saved earlier have disappeared and I cannot recover them.

Now for the second issue: I reach my Jedi training session in the Jedi enclave. I select Jedi Sentinel as my new class. The basic for a sentinel is 4 points (if I'm not mistaken), however on every level up I only get 2 points, wich means that the Int. bonus is not being added, or that the basic isn't really 4 or that even if the basic is 4 in some way the result of the equation gives 1 and the games adds 1 points of Int. thus giving me a result of 2 total points to distribute. This however has a workaround. If you've the same problem, and you know you're only going to become a jedi as in vanilla (i.e. going to the enclave and multiclassing), then open the classes.2da file with any tool you've at your dispossal, and under the tab/section of "skillpointbase" instead of the number you see there in the class row you want to change, add a 2 to that number (i.e. if it's 4 change it for 6, and so on). This will give you, only on level up, one more point than usual (this won't work on generation, though, as it takes the number literally and it will give you much more points than what you wanted, however you don't need this workaround on character generation).


So does anyone knows a solution/workaround for the first issue wich doesn't involve cheating? And what about a definitive solution for the second issue?



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