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Could someone make a KotOR Anakin Ep.III Hilt?


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I was wondering if someone could make a -- duh... Wonder-twin powers activate :p -- Anakin Episode III lightsaber hilt (KotOR 1/with possiblity of TSL capablitiy) mod for download. I kind'a figured since my question was the title everyone would get the "jist" -- and I really didn't need to type it again. But, I didn't know what else to say... Or type... for christ sakes I can't leave the body of my post blank! That would be rude... How's the weather? Where's my hilt?!


Anyway, thanks to anyone that helps a broth'a out!



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Thanks Revan, 'priciate that :D I don't usually get people willing to help. Me and forums -- we just don't get along. They never write -- they never call... Oh, sure they make you think you're the only one for them -- but as soon as another half-wit crackpot poster comes a long -- you're yesterday's post! Anyway, thanks for the welcome, man.

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I've got another mod that you may be interested (Anakin head) in using for TSL You can get it here


And the Lightsaber mod for KotOR I is here You'll get several other lightsaber hilts, but you'll have Anakin's too. :D


Oh, sure they make you think you're the only one for them -- but as soon as another half-wit crackpot poster comes a long -- you're yesterday's post!


Don't worry we're not like that here, and even if some people are you can *usually* come to me and I'll know what to do. Oh and one more thing, If you ever need mod go to the PCGameMods thread

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Hey, thanks for the help Revan. I won't be able to tell if the saber mod works until I get off of Taris (I lost my old savegames). I tried using KSE to give me a lightsaber but it didn't work (I put all the files in the "Override" folder -- though, it could just be that the editor circumvents the mod). The Anakin mod works great though in TSL. Thanks for both man. With all the mods I've come across on this forum -- it's reinvented the game! Hell, you guys should just re-package every mod, re-burn the game -- and sell it! I'm thinking with a clever title like: Knights of the Old Republic III: Send In The Clones.... Naw, that's piracy and I don't support that... At least that's what my driver says when I draw a blank -- I don't blame it though -- it's a putting-wedge. :p

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Hey, thanks for the help Revan.


No problem, here we're like a big ol family... always helpin each other :D Hope you have a good time with the mods.:cheers:


I won't be able to tell if the saber mod works until I get off of Taris (I lost my old savegames).


There is a Super Skip Taris mod, you'll have to start a new game for it to work, because it is triggered through Trask.... but anyway here is the link...ummmmm..... if that doesn't work then go to http://www.kotorfiles.com and look for a Super Skip Taris Mod

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Ah-ha! I think I know the problem with the saber mod -- it's for KotOR II TSL, but it doesn't seem to want to work for the first game. A modder called T7, he seemed to make a 6 pack saber collection that gives the Anakin hilt, but his site is gone -- and I can't find the mod anywheres. It's cool though -- I still appreciate the help. And the Taris skip mode -- that's pretty cool -- a real time saver for the impatient jedi in your life. Some people say that being a jedi is about patients and listening -- or some such -- a wasn't really paying attention and I got tiered of hearing the council go on and on. They’ll never understand me -- they don’t know what it’s like to be a padwan with a keen fashion sense -- I’m going to my interstellar, hyper-driven cargo-hatch!

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