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New Clan |>LK<|


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**As of 12/3/06**


It seems lucasarts is releasing a starwars bundle pack. One of the games included is jedi knight 2! We just might starting seeing some new faces again, and this will increase our community! If you have friends that have the game but don't play as much, let them know of this find! We could have this game's community back if we bring our friends back as well as the new selling of the bundle pack!


New clan is born in the jk2 community




1.)Want to try to bring the game back up some more. If everyone does a small share, we could have a flowing community again. Anyway, dueling clan. |>LK<| Legendary Knights. Our site can be found here:




2.)Give some of those good duelers and dueling clans out there to have some fun with multiclan tournaments.


3.)Train new(if there are any) players, or help out old ones that still need a hand on a few moves they can't quite get down.


Fairwell for now,


|>LK<|Slip|F| - Founder of Legendary Knights

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