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The Amazing Screw-On Head


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The Amazing Screw-On Head is a creation of Mike Mignola's (for the uninitiated - he is the creator/writer/penciller of Hellboy).


I saw the excellent "pilot" episode of "Screw-On" online. It's an animation made by... the Sci-Fi channel


Info about the show:






As you can see on those links, Screw-On is voiced by the wonderful Paul Giamatti (which is a reason by itself to see the episode) and the art-director is Mike Mignola himself. That would normally not mean much but in this case it means all! The animation is much MUCH more true to the style of Mignola (the very lugubrious moody chiaroscuro use of shadows for instance). I'd go as far as say it's like an animated Mignola comic (yeah that good!).


Check this out any way you can. If you're a fan of Mignola, just love pulp-stories or like very cool animation, this is the shizznit!




There's also a Hellboy animation that's making the rounds on tv called "Sword of Storms" voiced by all the original cast of the Hellboy movie. Worth checking out, don't miss it!

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