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water shader?


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Ok, I got this water shader from another map, and I’ve tried to make it work a dozen times yet I’m still having problems with it. The second part of the shader is some sort of overlay that sits\affects only the surface if I understand it correctly. As far as I can tell the overlay part of it works perfectly. I put a brush coated with overlay up in the air to see if the lava worked and it seemed to work and flow and move and all.


The first part of the shader on the other hand acts weird. The first thing I find odd about it is that in no part does it reference a texture. The only values I can plug in are the part for the image editor and a name for it gtk. Yet when I see it ingame I can see it resembles water that I can stand on yet it also has a missing\texture\gridlines with water kinda running over the gridlines, and the teamoverlay overtop of that.


Any ideas?


(shader 1)




qer_editorimage textures/beach/lavashader

qer_trans 0.75

surfaceparm nomarks

surfaceparm nonsolid

surfaceparm nonopaque

surfaceparm water

surfaceparm fog

surfaceparm trans

q3map_material Water


fogparms ( 0.113725 0.137255 0.380392 ) 1024.0

cull back

deformvertexes wave 100 sin 1 2 2 0.6


map $lightmap





(shader 2)




qer_editorimage textures/beach/firstlava

qer_trans 0.5

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks

surfaceparm nodlight

surfaceparm nonsolid

surfaceparm trans


cull disable

deformvertexes wave 100 sin 1 5 2 0.6


map textures/beach/firstlava

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

tcMod scroll 0.007 0.005

tcMod turb 1 0.07 1 0.01

tcMod stretch noise 1 0.01 0 0.02



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