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T3 missing


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Hi guys, i'm new here and i could really use you're help.

On telos, i can't find T3 and because of that after i board Ebon Hawk with Kreia, Atton and Bao Dur the game crashes. I can't use the map, i can't play the hologram, the ship is incomplete and i can't use anything.

All of this because i can't find T3 on Telos before aboarding Ebon Hawk. I've found only those 3 guys but there is no trace of T3.

My question is: where should i search ? Note that not even on Perragus T3 wasn't to be found but he appeared onboard after leaving Perragus. That's the last time i see him.

Please don't kill me for asking you're help. I will be indebted for any help i can get.

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All of this because i can't find T3 on Telos before aboarding Ebon Hawk. I've found only those 3 guys but there is no trace of T3.

My question is: where should i search ? Note that not even on Perragus T3 wasn't to be found but he appeared onboard after leaving Perragus. That's the last time i see him


T3M4 is supposed to be standing in the center of the chamber with a window overlooking the hangar where the Ebon Hawk is parked. He's inside a purple force field surrounded by some computer consoles. If everything works properly T3 would be impossible to miss since you automatically start conversation with him(?) when you first open the door to that room, and you must pass through it to reach the ship.


If you had problems getting him to show properly on Peragus as well it sounds like your game is broken. Do you have any mods installed? If so one may have messed up T3's character template. Try removing the mods and see if it works better.


If you have no mods I'd recommend reinstalling the game since it appears to have become corrupted somehow.

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Thank you for replying my thread!

I know the place you are talking about ("inside a purple force field surrounded by some computer consoles") and T3 is not there. I have no mods installed. First time when i encountered this problem i didn't had the updates. So i reinstalled the game and updated to 210427. The thing is i didn't wanted to start all over again so i used the last autosave.

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Spider']I have no mods installed. First time when i encountered this problem i didn't had the updates. So i reinstalled the game and updated to 210427. The thing is i didn't wanted to start all over again so i used the last autosave.


If you reinstall you must use a savegame from before the first time the area (Telos Academy) has loaded (including any cutscenes taking place within it). Once an area has been loaded much of it's data is stored in the savegame, including any corrupted data that was loaded at the time.

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Spider']Is there any way to solve my problem without starting the game from the begining ?

The fact is that i had only one backup - the autosave, because before i made the update the game loaded only that. My saved games or quicksave crashed the game.

This is why you save often and in different slots as the game promps you to do when it displays messages between switching modules.
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