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No more GUI in TSL screenshots.


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Now, this may not belong in here, as its not technicly mod related, but i thought it might be of some help.


Now i'm using an Nvidia card (7800) and i'm not sure how well, if at all, it will work with other models/brands. So your mileage may vary.


I decided to see the differances "image quality" makes to framerate in kotor1.


I found that when i printscreened and pasted it into photoshop, it removed some models, glow effects, and maybe more? Along with this, it also removed ALL of the gui! :D


It essentially give you a "raw" image.


However once i set



The trick stopped working


I then remembered that in TSL people had struggled for along time to remove all of the GUI from screenshots. So i tried it and it works!


I realise this is usless for 90% of the people on here, but i thought it warrented a mention, seeing as it was sought after for so long. And who knows, it might be usefull for map editing people as it gives a "stripped down" screenshot of the module.


And all you need to do, is open your Nvidia settings, and set image quality to "High Quality".


So yeah... thats all. If it really needs to be moved then by all means move it, i just figured this glitch would be most usefull (if at all) to the modders.

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