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question about INF that leads to a class change (spoilers)

Coren Chan

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I read the INF guide and realized that i missed some key dialogue parts & didn't get the option for a class change. will I still be able to get certain NPCs to switch classes down the road or is it too late since I missed it in the area where the INF says I can get a class change?


if I were to use KSE to switch classes, will that affect my game down the road? should i just go back to a previous save area and follow the INF to get the class change?


BTW, I play DS.


I finished Nar Shaddaa but never got Atton to become a jedi. I got him to tell his story but never got the training dialogue.



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yeap, i didn't get any option for training. i restarted the save of NS and plan to go slower and read more during these types of events. i probably missed something.


after using a previous save point, I was able to get Kreia to mention training of HM so im happy so far. having many save points within the game is a good practice. i usually have save points per area but after this mess up on my part, i think i will have different save points within each planet.

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