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Request: Silver Blade Negotiator?


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Iam a huge fan of the Ultimate Saber Mod for Kotor II TSL. I really enjoyed the Negotiator Double Saber but it only had blue, red, green, and yellow versions.

I was wondering if anyone could make a version with the Negotiator Double Saber with a silver blade?





Long time viewer first time poster

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I'd advise you view a few tutorials and learn to do it on your own. The USM won't allow a public modification of their mod, and I don't think Svosh will even see this. Short of learning to do it for your private use, or having smoeone do it and PM it to you, there's not much else to do.


Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear. Welcome to the forums, though.

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Ok, thanks I will se what I can do on my own. Or mabey someone do it and e-mail it to me out of the kindness of their heart.


Edit: Just wanted to update in case anyone cares. I just renamed a silver blade reskin of w_lsabresilv01.tga to w_lsabreblue01.tga and it seems to work just fine.

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