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Stock markets for natural disasters, movies and other crazy games


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Do some of you people play prediction games here? I started a few weeks ago with Hollywood stock exchange and now I play some others too, it's quite funny.


Here are the sites I know:


- HSX you play with movie names or actor names, the stocks rise or fall depending on the box office http://www.hsx.com


- Sportdaq, you play with sport teams, sport people. Specially interesting for people from UK, it's done by the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/sportdaq


- Trendio, here you can play with almost everything, politicians, diseases, places, celebrities, etc...

The movements of the stocks are more interesting than sportdaq or hsx because they are not depending on how much people trade them but directly on how often they appear in media. (updated

every 2 hours). http://www.trendio.com


They also have a wikipedia entry here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trendio.com


Do you know other ones?


Sorry for my bad english, I'm from poland =)

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