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The Holocron


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I come on behalf of *yoinked*[]/i an organization recently formed in hopes of providing a solid source for Star Wars information. We are currently looking for help in getting new entries written and the likes, so if anyone would care to help us out, we would be very appreciative. Feel free to stop by and read some of the entries, as well as posting your own (either canon or fanon). Be sure to read the rules section first, as it will help greatly, as well as the guidelines for submitting entries.


In hopes to see some of you soon,

Ben Spanner

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the website is ok but there's no picture and it's hard to indicate what's going on and what the Websites actually about. Is it to do wit h the films or the Expanded Universe if so i'm not that interested but if it is mainly about films then i might have a better look another time and go get an avatar.

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