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You´ve played too much Monkey Island when:

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You´ve played too much Monkey Island when:

(You have to have played too much Monkey Island 1, 2, 3, and 4 to fully understand this list)


*Your hard drive is half full of MI pics and half full with MI sounds

*You´re visiting your favourite Monkey Island page at least once a day

*You enter a bar you're always looking for 3 important looking men

*You try to hold your breath for 10 mins!

*You've named your dog "Guybrush"

*You put on a pink dress

*You run into a circus and wanted to be shot out of a canon

*You think you can beat Mike Tyson by insulting him

*You start counting money as pieces ó eight

*You use the same 3-headed monkey joke over and over

*You keep hurting past enemies with Voodoo Dolls

*You bounce off mountains hoping to hit a rubber tree

*You can write walkthroughs from your mind for all games

*You can't stop humming those catchy tunes!

*You drink root beer at the pub

*You answer "you fight like a cow " to a man that has just insulted your mother

*You say, "EWWWW! PORCELAIN" everytime you see something made of porcelaine.

*You get scared of LeChuck

*You ask the lunchlady for some grog

*You dig a REAL big hole in your back yard, and then throw dynamite in it

*You bore your friends with stories about how you beat ghost pirate LeChuck

*You mix alcohol and medicine and believe you can just wake up after that

*You find yourself trying to fit about a thousand things in your pants, half of which are at least twice the size of you

*You're believing you're a pirate

*You keep looking for a Three-Headed Monkey at the Zoo

*Your socks doesn't match anymore. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

*You have nightmares with big chickens

*You can't stop checking if you're really with your girlfriend or she's just some monkeys in a woman cloth

*You give crackers to parrots and expect them to tell you where Big Whoop is

*You dress up as the Devil Chicken and go KFC

*You challenge you're friends to a spit contest

*You've got a big monkey head as decoration


*You use the game boxes as decorative pieces on your dinning room table

*You insist on watching all of the credits

*You join group AMIA (Anonymus Monkey Island Addicts)

*You tell people that your ocupation is selling fine leather jackets

*You keep telling everybody you are a migthy pirate

*You want to be a pirate

*You have made a Monkey island fan game

*You find you are stuck in a tricky situation, and your only response is to claim you're selling these fine leather jackets

*You start to think there really are mushrooms in hell

*You expect your mum and dad to turn into skeletons and do a funky skull

*Your pants fall down everytime dig in a graveyard (then again, why would you dig in a graveyard)

*You keep reading this, knowing that it won't lead anywhere.

*You sing "The Pirate I was Meant to be" over and over again until your class-mates blindfold, torture and eventually keelhawl you

*You wonder what happened to Guybrush's beard

*You think there really were cannons with build-in fax-modems a few centuries ago

*You can't stop singing 'there's a monkey in my pocket'

*You keep looking for Murray under the sea, on a stick, or in Planet Threepwood

*You yell at people"ARRR! I've come to plunder yer treasure fer new cannons!"

*You think that saying "shiver me timbers" is a manly thing

*You put an anchor in a pie

*You start hitting people in the head with a milk bottle and a coconut

*You convince yourself that it is 1635

*You always torture your brother when you go to an amusement park

*All of your insults start to rhyme

*You buy a bunch of junk, you don´t really need

*You are contantly using the excuse, "I must have left it in my other pants"

*You are giving serious thought to what the Secret of Monkey Island really is

*You have cut off the head of a navigator

*You spontaniously yell "Bua-ha-ha-ha-ha"

*You have no friends because you nailed them all up in coffins

*You want to grow flaming beard

*You try to find disk number 76... and succeed

*You fashion your own wooden nickels and insist that it's real money

*You start insulting every monkey you see

*You try to rip off your brothers face to see who he really is

*You keep sawing feet off sleeping people and think it is funny

*You are always searching for booty

*You carry around a skull, call it Murray, and expect it to talk

*You walk around with a button that says: "Ask me about Monkey Island"

*You always carry a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle

*You choose the banjo

*The Monkey Island disk melts from over-use

*You dont go on roler-coasters anymore, in fear that it will turn you into one of Le Chuck's evil undead

*You stab people in the back with a serrated knife if they complain about your chicken

*You spent 40 dollars to get a game that you beat easily



[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited May 11, 2001).]

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You´ve played too much Monkey Island when:


*You poor mud on someones head and follow them to the cleaners and steal their laundry ticket so you can have their pearly bra

*You start having strange Monkey Island dreams

*You keep looking behind you to see if the three-headed monkey is there when you´re alone

*The name Guybrush Threepwood seems less and less fictional to you

*At dinner you suddenly scream in horror "El Pollo Diablo, the devil chicken, THE DEVIL CHICKEN!" and run out of the room

*You become a mercenary and join El Pollo Diablos army

*You believe that every problem you face has a funny and creative solution

*You think you can make people break down and cry by telling them that they are a failure as a pirate

*You have a gorila as the captain of your ship

*Every time you speak you can see your words appear over your head

*You have an imaginary friend name Guybrush

*You put on a gigantic mask of tofu to get into special events

*You keep anoying your friends with: "If this is three then what is this?"

*You actualy find a carnival named Big Whoop

*You insist on people calling you Captain Loogie, the Bone Master, the Phlegm Master, Juicius Maximus the Third, etc

*You put yourself in extremely dangerous situations on purpose, because you are convinced that "you can't die in a LucasArts adventure game..."

*You memorize what guybrush says after reading each the books in the libary

*You think persistence will get you anywhere

*Everytime you see an aligator, you try to pull its tongue

*You go to a gym and beg them to let you train on THE MACHINE

*You start telling pirate stories about how you defeated the fearsome pirate LeChuck

*Shakespeare play you keep trying to find the bowling ball scene

*You smack every kid named Kenny selling lemonade (or firearms)

*You sail the 7 seas in a bumper car

*You sell leonade with a bottomless mug policy

*You spend half your day thinking about the ending to MI2

*You write novelised versions of the games

*You look for Murray's porno pictures

*You start singing pirat songs

*You fire yourself out of a cannon

*You insist in using a pot insted of a helmet

*You try to kill LeChuck using your brother's underware, your uncle's beard, someone's "fluids", and your father's head.

*You live on Monkey Island

*You got monkeys in your bed and you really like it!

*You begin with nothing and then suddenly you have a Ship and a tresure

*You've tried to use Murray's arm with everthing in CMI so much that Guybrush and some of the other characters yell at you

*When you don't understand what a girl means you say "Darn yer riddles ya saucy female, whadya mean?"

*You know every characters name backwards

*You give poodles medicine and remind yourself that those poodels are only sleeping

*You are afraid of El Pollo Diablo

*You're trying to find The Monkey Islands in the atlas

*You've read all this stuff on the list and still can think of something new

*You pick up the map, the flashlight and a wood stick before you go out(maybe can be usefull!)

*You want to meet Guybrush Threepwood

*Your Halloween costume consists of you taking OFF the pirate outfit

*You check sun-bathing people´s backs, for tatooed maps

*You make your own money, and it consists in pieces of eight

*You look for the Joy of Hex in the local library

*You get excited by the fact that you have been eaten by a giant snake

*You poison your neighbour's poodles, break into their house and steal an expensive vase

*You can see how Skull Island looks like a skull

*You try to take shovels out of plaques

*You don't eat soup unless you know how to come back from Monkey Island

*You make your friends ask you 5 times a day: "Is that a banana in your pocket or you're just glad to see me?"

*You keep getting arrested for trying to put things twice your size in your pants

*You refuse to go to a boat race in Australia

*You´re training to be a insult swordfighter

*You close an elevator door on your dads beard on pupose to see if he is LeChuck

*You want to drown,get hit, burned in acid, fall off cliff faces and go through stumps just to see what it feels like, and think you'll survive because you're a mighty pirate

*You've made a Monkey Island advertising in your town to say how cool it is

*You start growing two more heads

*You play every MI game 25 times per day

*You forget your name

*You shut down you computer and go to sleep only when your game tells you to

*You cant sleep because you are afraid of talking skulls under your bed

*You look for a skelleton named "BOB"

*You pick up everything you see and try to combine it

*You've broken every telescope on the earth

*You never turn off your computer and do something constuctive.

*You covert your girlfriend into gold

*On a cruise, you shooot yourself out of a cannon at the nearest island

*You are reading this list, and enjoing it



[This message has been edited by Al (edited May 11, 2001).]

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You´ve played too much Monkey Island when:


*You seriouslly take the oath after singing "There's a Monkey In My Pocket" in Curse of Monkey Island

*A talking skull is on the top of your wish list

*You get offended when someone sings "I wish I could par-lay some French with governor Marley.Id say to her "voo-lay-voo"..."

*You sing the music "A pirate I was meant to be" entirely in your school's arts&music contest




[This message has been edited by Al (edited November 01, 2001).]

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Guest grannen

......when you make a long list explaining why you have played it too much.



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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