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Battle of Moranon speech for Battle of Dantooine.


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I've been toying with this idea in my head for a while now..



Is it possible for a Modder to insert Aragorns speech at the Black Gate on Return of the King into one of the Speech options the Exile has if you take the option to talk to the Militia....



It would be great if you could pan across the faces of the Militia assembled in the middle of the speech (just like in the movie)....



..Also when the Exile repeats aragorn's line at the end and says "Men of the West!" all the Militia men take out and brandish there swords..

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well, I'm not sure if the panning of the faces is already in that scene so I'm not sure how to do that, but if you want to just change the las line of that dialog then all you have to do is export that particular .dlg file with Kotor tool and edit the dialog with tk102's dlg editor, which can be found here http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php and change the line that you want to change, it shouldn't be to hard.

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