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Requesting Lightsaber/Force forms


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I was thinking someone could make brand new lightsaber forms and force forms, (like force potency). You can add new ones, and make them more interesting. Maybe create a backup story as to how your exile learned the power. You can have a visit to a temple or cave on dantooine or korriban and find an ancient sith holocron. You can learn old, but powerful sith techniques from this. Find documents and artifacts that will make you more powerful. Special items can also be placed around the area. Destroy everything so no one can ever learn your new powers. To make your form look cool, give it a new lightsaber twirl. like malak's from kotor I, or nihilus' from the battle on the bridge.

I actually got this idea from my KSE, I saw non-selectable lightsaber forms in the 'all feats/force powers' section called 'Ancient' and it got my attention.


The 'backup story' would also be cool for any force powers or techniques.

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