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Republic Soldiers K1


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I once tried to make a mod that would allow you to hire some republic soldiers for KOTOR, but as usual I failed dismally.

What i would like is fairly simple, two soldiers and a scout (all of them would use the soldier class body, not the republic soldier model) each with their own speciality in weapons, (pistols for the officer, heavy weapons for the other soldier and rifle for the scout) that can be recruited on taris.

They don't need to be in depth characters with a large backstory - although i would like them to have at least some personality - the important thing is getting them into the game without screwing it up.


The biggest complication becomes keeping them with you throughout the game, and not losing your other allies. My idea was to add lines to the recruit script that would spawn the character that they are replacing in the Ebon Hawk (this will require checking to see if you have recruited that party member yet, or you could spawn multiple copies of the same person).

When you are recruiting a new character (jolee, hk47, etc) add lines to those recruit scripts to spawn the republic soldiers in the ebon hawk. In this way you could keep switching out the party members you dont want for the ones you do. This could be further enhanced by allowing you to choose which party member you wish to replace in favour of one of these soldiers.

This will probably take a large amount of scripting, but on the upside most of it would be the same allowing you to just make copies of the same script and editing it for each person.


If my request isn't clear enough or if you would like a bit more info on what i want the soldiers to be like (names, personality, feats, etc) just say and i will try to enlighten you!

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