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Stargate mod looking for moders


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i have a great i dea for KOTOR. eliminatethe ship based travle and ad an extra planet to acr as a base. then you can travle to the other planets throught the gate. id like to make a compleat story conversion. i dont know weithr to mix the stargate and the starwars universe or just use the KOTOR engine for a compleat stargate game. but what id realy like to do is to make it like atlantis. the SGC finds anotheradress to another galaxy. if possible id like to create a whole new style for the gate its self (like the difference between the milky way and pegesus gates) and new glyphs. but before any of this can happen i need to find enough people to be interested. im going to school to learn how to develop games but as of this moment my moding skills are non-exsistant. but i am knowlageable in the starwars saga and and an expert in the stargate universe. any one who wishes to help contact me at .



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