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What can be wrong


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I have this:

void GivePwds( char *team, char *out ) {
int i=0;
int tm=0;
char string[100];
char string2[100];

for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
	out[i] = (rand()%26)+'a';

if ( !Q_stricmp( team, "Red" ) ) {
	tm = TEAM_RED;
if ( !Q_stricmp( team, "Blue" ) ) {
	tm = TEAM_BLUE;

Com_sprintf(string,sizeof(string),"print \"%s Team Password is: %s\n\"", team, out);
Com_sprintf(string2,sizeof(string2),"cp \"%s Team Password is: %s\n\"", team, out);

for ( i = 0 ; i < level.maxclients ; i++ ) {
	if (level.clients[i].sess.sessionTeam != tm)
	trap_SendServerCommand( i, string);
	trap_SendServerCommand( i, string2);


I use it like this:


char pwd[4];
trap_Cvar_Set( "g_redLock", "1" );
GivePwds( "Red", pwd );


And then I get strange password. The first 4 characters are fine but the rest are strange characters possibly some address??!


Hope someone knows, or experienced something like this...


Forgot to say this works fine in windows sometimes.

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what is the point of out char? i dont see why you have the rand loop either...


const char *teamNames[] = {

void GivePwds( team_t, const char *pwd ) {
int i=0;
char string[100];
char string2[100];

Com_sprintf(string,sizeof(string),"print \"%s Team Password is: %s\n\"", teamNames[team], pwd);
Com_sprintf(string2,sizeof(string2),"cp \"%s Team Password is: %s\n\"", teamNames[team], pwd);

for ( i = 0 ; i < level.maxclients ; i++ ) {
	// you might want some sanity checks here... or bad things can happen...
	if (level.clients[i].sess.sessionTeam != tm)
	trap_SendServerCommand( i, string);
	trap_SendServerCommand( i, string2);


you may want to show more of where this func is being used if you want better help...

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Well the function is used and declared in g_main.c

And in the first post I said it all :(, just didn't mention the g_main.c

void GivePwds( char *team, char *out ) { //out - empty array to store the password and use it to set another cvar.
int i=0;
int tm=0;
char string[100];
char string2[100];

for(i=0; i<4; i++) { //this is to generate the password
	out[i] = (rand()%26)+'a';

if ( !Q_stricmp( team, "Red" ) ) { //this is dumb I will remake it
	tm = TEAM_RED;
if ( !Q_stricmp( team, "Blue" ) ) {
	tm = TEAM_BLUE;

Com_sprintf(string,sizeof(string),"print \"%s Team Password is: %s\n\"", team, out);
Com_sprintf(string2,sizeof(string2),"cp \"%s Team Password is: %s\n\"", team, out);

for ( i = 0 ; i < level.maxclients ; i++ ) {
	if (level.clients[i].sess.sessionTeam != tm)
	trap_SendServerCommand( i, string);
	trap_SendServerCommand( i, string2);

The out is the empty array the function receives to store password, initially it has other functions but now that you talk about it I can create it inside the function, and set the cvars I have to set inside it too.


I think its all explained. I will remake this function and see the results.

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anyway, I tested this in different ways and if you can do this command without closing the string manually I will have the solution:

if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "test") == 0)
int i=0;
char pwd[5];

for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
	pwd[i] = (rand()%26)+'a';

G_Printf("password=%s\n", pwd);

I have added this in g_svcmds.c for testing purposes. And it only works if I close the string manually.

Edit: Checked and C closes strings like "hi", but strings like { 'h', 'i' } stay simple char array.

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Well your best bet would be to have a static char array in your function for the randomizing and have your function just return pwd like so:


char *function(team_t team) {
    static char pwd[max_pwd_len] = {""};

    randomizer of pwd here...

    ... send to ppl

    return pwd;

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uhm no...


const char *teamNames[] = {

char *GivePwds(team_t team)
static char out[5];
char pwd[5] = {"none"}; // yes use { }

// not a vry gud randomizer btw :B: check net for some open source generators...
for(i=0; i<4; i++) { //this is to generate the password
	pwd[i] = (rand()%26)+'a';

pwd[4] = '\0';

for( i=0; i<level.numConnectedClients; i++) {
	if ( level.clients[i].sess.sessionTeam != team  
			|| (g_gametype.integer == GT_SIEGE && level.clients[i].sess.siegeDesiredTeam != team) ) 
	trap_SendServerCommand( i, va("print \"%s Team Password is: %s\n\"", teamNames[team], pwd);
	trap_SendServerCommand( i, va("cp \"%s Team Password is: %s\n\"", teamNames[team], pwd);

Q_strncpyz(out, pwd, sizeof(out));
return out;


also change your [4] in g_main to [5] to match up dood... because \0 is a character that gets added later :x


and static functions are pretty much gay unless they are only being used inside that specific file otherwise they are useless.

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I've done something similar, and yes after the first post I've changed the array to 5 lol[when I remembered the '\0'].

About the team names I added them inside my function because I wont use it outside it, and I don't want to bother much with that...

And I like static function :(, I'm used to Java thats why I make silly mistakes in C bah

Anyway thanks for you help


ps: the randomizer lol, is just some simple thing I came with. But, after adding that I have searched but they are too complex for the job. I only need 4 characters.

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