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any1 from möndal, Sweden?

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Bu lrnu? Jryy, gjb pna cynl ng guvf tnzr.. Urer, gel gb qrpbqr guvf!! (V jbaqre ubj znal crbcyr fgvyy xabj nobhg ubj gb qrpbqr EBG-13...)




"Qb, be qb abg. Gurer vf ab gel."

  --Lbqn, Gur Rzcver Fgevxrf Onpx


[This message has been edited by brief (edited June 14, 2001).]

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

What did you Swedish do to the summit!!!!????





The names Monkey....Brighteyesmonkey

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Ah... You young'uns don't know anything.... tongue.gif


It does have meaning, though it's not Swedish (obviously) or Russian...


Urerf n uvag:




Yrgf frr ubj znal crbcyr pna svther guvf bhg... be vs nalbar jbhyq rira obgure gb gel.



EBG-13 vf jung gurl hfr va HFRARG Arjftebhcf gb rapelcg zrffntrf, hfhnyyl sbe gur fnxr bs bguref jub zvtug svaq gur zrffntr bssrafvir. Jung vg onfvpnyyl qbrf vf gb ebgngr gur ebzna nycunorg ol 13 punenpgref, urapr gur fubegunaq EBG-13. Va fhpu n pbairagvba, N orpbzrf A, O orpbzrf B, rgp., rgp. 13 vf pubfra orpnhfr gurer ner 26 yrggref va gur nycunorg, fb jura lbh er-nccyl EBG-13 gb na rapelcgrq zrffntr, vg jvyy ernq yvxr erthyne grkg ntnva.


Zbfg arjfernqref unir gur pncvovyvgl gb qrpbqr EBG-13 grkg, fb jura bar rapbhagref fhpu n cbfgvat, gubfr va gur xabj pna qrpvqr vs gurl jnag gb evfx orvat bssraqrq naq ernq gur grkg, be gb tb ba gb gur arkg cbfg. Gubfr jub qbag xabj.. jryy... qbag xabj. wink.gif Fbzrgvzrf bguref zvtug or avpr rabhtu gb vasbez gurz, be gurl pbhyq qb n frnepu ba Vagrearg SNDf, naq svaq bhg sbe gurzfryirf. Abg nyy arjfernqref unir tvir hfref gur bcgvba bs cbfgvat gurve zrffntrf rapelcgrq jvgu EBG-13, juvpu vf jul V znqr gur nsberzragvbarq cntr gb znxr vg rnfvre ba zlfrys, vs V rire svaq gur arrq gb cbfg va EBG-13. biggrin.gif




"Do, or do not. There is no try."

  --Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back


[This message has been edited by brief (edited June 15, 2001).]

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Guest grannen

"Lets see how many people can figure this out… or if anyone would even bother to try.


ROT-13 is what they use ………"



Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

Ok so I'll ask again.


What did you swedes do to the summit!?

You wrecked your own town!


The only time we do it is when theres a footiy match or it's soemone elses town!





The names Monkey....Brighteyesmonkey

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