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Recruit Lord Fear


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Can someone make a recruit for me?I want him tobe on Korriban and have it to where you must have finished the Leviathan Quest in order to get him he'll be in The Valley of the Sith.Can you give him Rakatan Language to you know like have a sound with his dialogue.Oh and can he have robes similar to these: http://www.ehdb.net/images/robes/DJM_Sith.jpg ?A sidequest would be cool too like recovering a Holocron of his Mother Lady Tayanus on Kashyyyk in the Shadowlands.He has to face a Dark Jedi Master with a few D.Jedi down there.Whats his race?Mandalorian.Would someone be up for it?If so send me a PM and Ill tell you what dialogue to give him.



NOTE:I dont want to rush anyone so whoever does do this take your time.


Edit: Ok so Ive got a main modder so does anyone want to team up with Master Zionosis in the Skinning part for the robes?

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