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Quick question - can we make new animations?

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Hello all, long time speculator, first time poster here.


That out of the way, I've had an idea lying around about the combat animations. Namely, they get a bit old after a while. So, I'm wondering if any current modding utilities gave one the ability to edit the actual animations, to make battles seem a bit more epic. I'm rather incompetent when it comes to this sort of thing, so any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Hello cobra_2k, and welcome to the forums. :D


Unfortunately, animations are something we cannot modify. The most progress made so far in the area of models has been cchargin's MDLOps utility which can create new (static) models for the game and Taina's Replacer Tool which can modify existing models, including those with animations. The animations must pre-exist and cannot be changed.

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