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VEERY cool idea (Edit: Added script)


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ok inTSL you find out besides the jedi master that other jedi are either A. dead or B. seduced by the darkside.... and when i first played TSL the first time i saw the enclave i was like YAY!!! I CAN SEE OTHER JEDI!! turns out ...no.. lol.... so i mod that would be cool... ok after that freak out lady comes running out of enclave yelling about jorran missing after you kill her or leave heralive there is some stuff that would happen


option 1. you kill her... after that stealthed sith lord apeares and tells you "you are strong in the dark side...but you can be even stronger exile: how could i posably be any stronger than i am now... the sith has you follow him to some place :loading screen: you are at maby like... the back of the enclave? some where on dantooine maby any way... the sith takes you to a jedi masters home near the enclave the sith tells you that if you kill him there are many holocrons within his house to learn from and hopefully you will add some new force powers with this any way again you will go in the house kill the jedi master take his holocrons some robes maby some new saber hilts new robes but the sith betray you and try to take them from you... again options... you can either A. give them up and the sith will leave or B. say no and fight the sith but you take out the sith and suprise... a boss battle kind of thing... a uber sith lord master super sith comes out...that sith: you are very powerful indead... takeing out all my sith followers....but now i am angry but will give you one more chance give me the holocrons or die....ok you either give them up or fight this sith is very powerful at first you cannot beat him that jedi master you "killed" takes out the sith to rescue you and he will try to change you to light side you can A. yeah join the light side or B. decive him and strike him down


here is light side version: after the crazy lady jorran thing...you let her go do not be rude to her you noice a wounded jedi master sitting against the enclave wall (outside still) you talk to him and ask him what happend the jedi: i was attacked by a sith lord he was after my holocrons (his speach slows weakens) but i was able to make it out with them here... take them young jedi... keep them safe (jedi dies) you now have the holocrons cloaked JEDI apear and tell you that you must stop the sith lord because one holocron is not in your invintory (go to the jedi master house) the sith have raided it the sith lord walks out with the holocron in front of him he learns the secrets of it and gains a new power (maby that thought bomb idea) and you must stop him the jedi try to defend you but get you guesed it (thought bombed) lol well any way you are light side and thus stronger than the sith lord you fight him wich still wont be easy you will beat him.... and you can either learn the secrets of the holocron or destroy it if you learn its secret you gain no points... if you destroy it you get some light side points and another jedi shows up.... and hands you a case of jedi artifacts he says you are best to posses them it has robes.sabers,crstals in it... and then you continue game like normal but this would be a fun mod a bigg one but yeah.... i left some empty spaces but you can get creative with this



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I don't know whether you are just giving an idea to a modder who thinks the idea is good or if you want to be apart of it more than the idea based by, but i do like this idea and i would like to take this on, but i am not that good at finishing off peoples stories, if i create a story i can finish it, but i always find it to hard to finish someone else's, so if you want to work in conjunction with me on this i would do it for you, as this may be the last mod i do in a long time due to personal reasons that have been discussed with my fellow modders, so if you would like to help me with this, let me know. :)

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::::::::::::::::::::::: SCRIPT TO MY MOD :::::::::::::::::::::::::


::::::::::::::DARK SIDE VERSION:::::::::::::::::::::


:after death of that tapela:


:humming of cloaked sith apearing:


sith lord: yes.... yes.... it is indeed true what i have heard.... you are as cruel

as you are strong in the force.




1. What?! you dare show your face in front of me....Leave now.. or you will be added

to these corpses

2. do i hear an offer of something i want about to come up?

3. just state your buisness and get out of my way


sith lord:


reaction to choice one: well.... fine.. i was going to offer you more power than you could EVER imagine...

but it seems your choice of tone says you arent interested


reaction to the other two choices: well.... i have an offer.... i know... for a fact.. you want power and i can give it to you all you have to do is follow me.


Exile: sounds good to me lets go before i just kill you and loot your corpse for anything you have


::::::::::::::::::::::::: the location of the jedi's house :::::::::::::::


sith lord: What we need you to do... is go in there.... kill the jedi and everything in there is yours. everything exept one object that... we will be takeing for ourselfs.


Exile: what would this "one object" happen to be?


sith lord: Dont worry about it, nothing that would interest you


Exile: Fine ill be back in a moment


:::::::::: You walk into the house::::::::::::


Jedi master: greetings...since you busted into my house can i ask what you want?




Jedi Master: hmmm.. very sorry but i belive i need that (chuckles)


Exile: im not laughing (ingnition of lightsaber)


Jedi Master: apperantly not (ignition of lightsaber)


:::::::::::::::You Fight the jedi wich will be a very hard apponent custom robes... and custom powers:::::


Exile: I must admit.... the fight drew on longer than i imagined you are a strong one (jedi falls to the floor)


:::::::: Exile loots the house of all its contents that would be useful:::


:::::::Exile walks outside to see a compleetly new and very very hard sith lord standing not far. And his friends laying on the ground:::


Exile: it seems that ill be wracking up more kills than I thought today.....


Sith lord: no need to die now...hand over EVERYTHING you have and you will live


Exile choices


1. hands over everything and gets knocked out and wakes up back at the enclave


2. prepares to fight


Exile: Like i said "it seems that ill be wracking up more kills than I thought today"


Sith: sad... ::uses force lightning and strikes the exile wich falls back and onto the floor:::


Exile :::gets up::


Exile: hmmm well i can see i was fool to let my guard down but it wont happen again


:::::long saber battle, the sith will heal like sion does through most of it *3 TIMES*


Exile: ::::: can't win against the sith and the sith uses a force power to hold the exile still and imobalize him:


sith: IT IS TIME TO DIE! ::::sith starts to kill the exile **uses lightning... grip... fists***


:::: this go's on for a little bit then he finaly ingnites his lightsaber and charges after the exile

but the jedi master pretending to be dead kill the sith with an easy trike of his lightsaber:::


Jed Master: are you allright? sorry i had been expecting an attack on me i have many holocrons

that posses knowladge of force powers though forgoten thousands of years ago.. i had to use you to root out the



Exile choices:


1. while the jedi is picking up holocrons kill him while he back is turned


2. leave him alone and get a randomly selected holocron as a gift because he did not kill the jedi LOL


::::::::::::::::::::THE END:::::::::


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::LIGHT SIDE SCRIPT:::::::::::::::::



:after letting tapela run freely:


::::::::: you hear a moaning::::::


::::::you look to see a jedi crouched down pressed against the enclave wall:::


Exile: are you alright?


Jedi Master: ...I......w....was...attacked...by....the si....


Jedi master: ..t....Take....t....the...holocron.....do not let.... do... do not let the....



:Cloaked jedi unvail:


jedi: it seems... he trusted you will the Holocron...he sensed you could do it


Exile: choice


1. wha?? what i dont wan't any of this take the holocron i have to go find master vrook


2. wha?? he "trusted" me? with what? i will do what is needed to be done


jedi response to 1: You must!!! he trusted you and you are now the keeper of *the* holocron


jedi response to 2: you are the keeper of *THE* holocron you must destroy the menace wich covet's its power


Exile: fine... Tell my what i have to do..


:::::::::::::Jedi's house::::::::::


jedi: you must kill all the sith...you see.... that holocron... has a sister... if the sith get both holocrons... they can unlock an ancient power..

far beyond means of stoping


Exile: OK.... i got this handled ill get it....


::::::::you fight through various sith patrols:::


::::::::BOOM loud crashing:::::


::: A door busts down and the uber big sith comes walking out::::::


sith:....i.....i sense..... you have it..... and i smell the blood in the air....the blood of my followers.

prepare to die keeper of the holocrom


the 2 party members at the time: *jump in to help but only get dispatched quikly by the sith:


Exile: if it is what i must do...


::::::::::Exile and sith fight:::::: the sith wins like the DS version:


:::::the Exile compleetly helpless... is distracted by a vission of the jedi master..


jedi master: it takes both holocrons to get the full potential of the power.. it only takes 1 to get some of the power::


:::Exile taps into the power of holocron::: gets a new power:::: defeats sith


the jedi send you on your way with both holocrons you get the new FULL power wich is very powersul


::::::::::::::THE END:::::


da da da na na!!! da nana na na!! na na!!! lol ..... nvm.... but yes here is the script!!


feel free to edit with ideas



Script writer ::::::: Axel :::::::


creater of the upcoming mod ::::::::: master zionosis :::::::::::::


TY again and open for any ideas



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