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Tie Guy is a MOD?!

Guest Thrawn

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Guest Thrawn

WOW! Congrats Tie!!! :D It seems that everyone I know is getting to be a mod. . . When do I get to help out? I could manage the new smiley section or something. . . Or perhaps help out Tie or whoever mods the Galactic discussion. . . Any thoughts?

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Well, its not surprising. He has the most posts (I know Kvan's going to respond to that one, I just know it). He doesn't spam (hahha kvan there). And he has good quality posts. And he has made a good overall commitment towards GB.com forums. Congrats Tie Guy:D

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Guest Boba Rhett

*walks in and takes the bottle of pills out of Thrawns hand*



AH! Thrawn, your only supposed to take one of theses every day not hour! And it doesn't help that your taking them with shots of malt liquor either....


*sigh* You guys hold him down whilst I go get the stomach pump.....

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

Well, its not surprising. He has the most posts (I know Kvan's going to respond to that one, I just know it). He doesn't spam (hahha kvan there). And he has good quality posts. And he has made a good overall commitment towards GB.com forums. Congrats Tie Guy:D

Well Luke you didn't know Tie when he first came to the boards, he was a *ahem* person who liked to talk A LOT about anything

I think anyone could make a good mod, you just have to be on a lot and seperate your personal feelings on a thread. Not too hard :)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

Well Luke you didn't know Tie when he first came to the boards, he was a *ahem* person who liked to talk A LOT about anything

I think anyone could make a good mod, you just have to be on a lot and seperate your personal feelings on a thread. Not too hard :)


Sure, i talked alot and was on like 9 hours a day but you have to admit that i never spammed.

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Guest Boba Rhett

*laughing to hard to type*


; kudg;kjg;r ougf;i gufdfrg dg uofd.


*try's to post a message but just can't*


*Must go lay down*

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Sure, i talked alot and was on like 9 hours a day but you have to admit that i never spammed.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! You don't really believe what you're saying, do you? I remember you, Rommel, and Rhett doing a lot of "spamming". Don't try to deny it, your only fooling yourself! :)

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Guest Thrawn

OHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I can't believe it!!! :eek: I looked at LAST POST! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I feel incredibly stupid!!! *WACK, WACK, WACK!!!*D'oh!!! Someone beat me over the head with a baseball bat! :mad:


I must have been dilusional as everyone suspected. . . :(

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel


We are are guilty of spamming, from time to time... ;)

True, but some more.....A LOT MORE then others. :)

Thrawn its ok that you were wrong, I always new you were crazy ;)

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Guest Thrawn

Just because of one little dillusional mistake, it doesn't mean I shouldn't be a mod!!! :D I'd make a great mod. THe other mods sure don't post much. . . I still think I'd make quite a good mod here. . . Other mods have any ideas? :D



J/k about the "other" thing. I really don't have alot of chance being a mod anyway. Mods can't be biased and can't whine. . .

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Originally posted by Thrawn

Just because of one little dillusional mistake, it doesn't mean I shouldn't be a mod!!! :D I'd make a great mod. THe other mods sure don't post much. . . I still think I'd make quite a good mod here. . . Other mods have any ideas? :D



J/k about the "other" thing. I really don't have alot of chance being a mod anyway. Mods can't be biased and can't whine. . .

Lets not get into another "The mods are never here" disscussion, K?

As for being a mod....*I* think everyone has potential to be one :)

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Guest Boba Rhett

Well, we try not to be biased and whine. We're only humans! :D


I think that I post quite a lot though. Leon will be back to posting alot once he gets back.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

hummm not really Kvan, youd just like too think that you could actually be one. lol:p its not like you havent spammed alot, look at the spam thread.

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

hummm not really Kvan, youd just like too think that you could actually be one. lol:p its not like you havent spammed alot, look at the spam thread.

Eh? I post "on topic" for the spam thread, so....its not spamming :p

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

THE TOPIC IS SPAM!!!! How is that not spamming?You just admitted to it!

The topic is Spam, your right! But since the topic is spam, talking about spam on it, is not spamming...unless you post over and over again in a row like you did. :p

BTW If you want to continue this talk, pm me.

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