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[TSL] Make the peaceful option worth as much as the violent one?


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This has always bugged me about the KotOR games. You're rewarded more for mass murder than you are for using stealth, guile, or trickery. Here's an example from TSL:


When you get to the security officer's office, you learn of the stealth field he stashed away, as well as his secret shutdown switch. The idea, of course, is that you use his stealth field generator, stealth your way to the shutdown switch, and shut the droids down - then, with Repair, you can scavange a component (a single component) from each of the 8 droids on the administration level, and with Computer, you can set them to defend organics (IE: You). The purpose of this, of course, is that when HK-50 decides to shoot at you, two or three of them will be in range to open fire on him and his floating mines. (Why in the world he'd try to use a lethal explosive to take a live bounty is beyond me.)


However, there's a big problem. By the time you reach the admin blister, you're still only level 1 - level 2 at most. Those eight droids represent a LOT of potential XP - 4/5ths of the XP from level 1 to level 2, or 2/5ths of the XP to level 3.


Therefor, you are really encouraged to kill the droids, instead of stopping them. You could almost be at level 3 by the time you got into the mines.


So I was wondering, although it would probably be extremely invasive, would it be possible to go through the game and add scripts that take note of using trickery, deception, guile, and diplomacy and stealth to get what you want, and award XP as if you had killed all the concievable opponants - after all, that is what XP is about. Overcoming challenges. Overcoming them through violence shoulden't magically give you more XP than overcoming them through other means - in fact, if you play D&D or Star Wars d20 (the game that KotOR is [loosely] based upon, the dungeon mastering/game mastering sections specifically proscribe awarding XP in this manner.)

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