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can visual studio2005 (c++) complied jka-universalSource ?


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I compiled the jka-universalSource and it reported the error (without editing any thing in the source code).


I edit the source code and compile it with vc2005(c++), it reported but still allow me to run the JKA as indicate in the readme.txt. What i modified is to slow the rocket as indicated in readme.txt to test. when I press F5, the jka run, and the rocket speed not change!


Would anyone please advise step by step how to make the mod work, or it required only vc++7.0?

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btw razor, i managed to get the ojp basic source to compile with ms's free compiler from cmd line (without needing to download their ide) using a custom makefile and nmake (it's also gnu make compatible so i can use dev-cpp to edit and recompile the files). it's a bit messy but it works, if you want to msg me sometime and i can send them 2u

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