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MY Launcher


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Yeah First mod ever lol. I never understood why people never used full songs in launchers then I found out while making it. Lol you can only use a WAV file not MP3's so it blew the song i was going to use . So i found a creepy WAV to replace it.... if any one knows how ot use MP3''s for it please tell me. and thank you for the comments smile Lol and the colors i thought were cool myself they look more powerful. But now that i have the hang of basic modding and doing launchers I should be submiting some more in the future.


Here's how to make a launcher play a .mp3 for the launcher:

Go to the launcher folder, and open the file named launcher.ini


  launcher.ini said:







See where it says BackgroundSound? You would rename 'background.wav' to '<insert any name here>.mp3' Then, it should play that music instead. I've never tried that before, but that should do the trick.


BTW, your launcher looks awesome.

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