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What program?

Jojo Junior

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What program do some of you use to make your sigs? I made mine in a paint program, but I can only save it as a bitmap, and the website can't upload a bitmap file. Can someone tell me if there's something I can use?



I'm So Shaky That When I

Pick A Lock, I Make More

Noise Than A Flatulent Hippo!


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.jpg or JPEG files ...and... .gif or GIF files are the norm for the web. They are much smaller than a .bmp (bitmap)


If you are using win98 version of "MS Paint" ..you can "save as" and under the "file type" list choose ".jpg" then give it a try.


If not, find some art software that will do it. Photoshop is the most popular ...someone you know probably has it.


Good Luck..

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

photo express




The names Monkey....Brighteyesmonkey


Member of the F.A.O.F

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Guest murta

Originally posted by newfoundgloryboy:

retail photoshop 6.01, thats right i OWN a copy of it.



You actually bought it?

*tut*tut*tut* disgraceful, you have let us all down. What's next? Somebody buying 3DSMAX?


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