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The Future of Adventure Games


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well in this age of technology, not too many want to use their 500 dollar nvidia gforce 2003a to play 2d games. although there are those enthusiasts who still cling to the ida of the adventure game. i think that inevitably any form of adventure game is going to be in the EMI grim fandango style accept for the few risk takers that develop games such as the up comming runnaway (which i highly anticipate the release of)


though there will probably always be a following for adventure games, we man not get to see a new release but once every few years or so, which is unfortunate.


in the long run, 3d games are taking over, and that leaves no where for the 2d loving adventure gamers like u and i, so if all else fails it looks like we are going to have to get by with fanmade games.




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