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ui demo display code mod


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this isn't really a bug fix, but i thought it would be nice to post here.

i modified the ui so that demo display will show demos in subfolders as well as the root demos folders. this can help a lot for people who have a lot of demos and need to organize them better.


this replaces ui_loaddemos in ui_main.c


// share a temp buffer to reduce memory load
char sharedBuffer[4096*20];

static int UI_RecurseGetDemos( char *folder, char *demolist, int demolistSize, char *demoExt )
char realFolders[1024], *folders = realFolders, *shBuf = sharedBuffer;
char fold2copy[1024] = "";
int numFolders, num;
int ret = trap_FS_GetFileList( folder, demoExt, sharedBuffer, sizeof( sharedBuffer ) );
// copy demos from shared buffer to demo list, adding appropriate folder name
if( strchr( folder, '/' ) )
	Q_strncpyz( fold2copy, va( "%s/" , strchr( folder, '/' ) + 1 ), sizeof( fold2copy ) );
for( num = 0; num < ret && demolistSize > 0; num++ )
	Q_strncpyz( demolist, va( "%s%s", fold2copy, shBuf ), demolistSize );
	demolistSize -= strlen( demolist ) + 1;
	demolist += strlen( demolist ) + 1;
	shBuf += strlen( shBuf ) + 1;

// now go through folders
numFolders = trap_FS_GetFileList( folder, "/", folders, sizeof( realFolders ) );
for( num = 0; num < numFolders; num++, folders++ )
	int temp;
	char fold[MAX_QPATH];
	if( *folders && Q_stricmp( folders, "." ) && Q_stricmp( folders, ".." ) )
		int num2;
		Q_strncpyz( fold, va( "%s/%s", folder, folders ), sizeof( fold ) );
		temp = UI_RecurseGetDemos( fold, demolist, demolistSize, demoExt );
		ret += temp;
		for( num2 = 0; num2 < temp; demolist++ )
			if( *demolist == 0 ) num2++;
	for( ; *folders != 0; folders++ );

return ret;

static void UI_LoadDemos() {
char	demolist[4096*20];
char demoExt[32];
char	*demoname;
int		i, len;

Com_sprintf(demoExt, sizeof(demoExt), "dm_%d", (int)trap_Cvar_VariableValue("protocol"));

uiInfo.demoCount = UI_RecurseGetDemos( "demos", demolist, sizeof( demolist ), demoExt );

Com_sprintf(demoExt, sizeof(demoExt), ".dm_%d", (int)trap_Cvar_VariableValue("protocol"));

if (uiInfo.demoCount) {
	if (uiInfo.demoCount > MAX_DEMOS) {
		uiInfo.demoCount = MAX_DEMOS;
	demoname = demolist;
	for ( i = uiInfo.demoCount - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
		len = strlen( demoname );
		if (!Q_stricmp(demoname +  len - strlen(demoExt), demoExt)) {
			demoname[len-strlen(demoExt)] = '\0';
		uiInfo.demoList[i] = String_Alloc(demoname);
		demoname += len + 1;


[edit] this may need better buffer checking on demolist if someone had an enormous amount of demos...

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um, it basically can't go too far, at least not on windows... the only time i can think of that being a problem is on linux with circular symlinks (not a problem on jka/windows). it's very unlikely that someone will have more nested folders than the code's call stack size, lol.

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