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King's Quest 1-6 were good, 7 is kind of childish and 8 is action and adventure so it probably wouldn't appeal to you. The Longest Journey got Adventure Game of the Year awards right and left, but i've never played it personally.





[This message has been edited by InfinitySquared (edited July 10, 2001).]

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Any game made by LucasArts is good. Try Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis or IJ and the Last Crusade. Loom, Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle are just some titles.


P.S. These games are a lot like the first two MI's.




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Guest murta


The space quest series deals with a janitor (Roger Wilco) who's a total dumbass (sorta like Guybrush), who goes on stupid quests (like Guybrush) and in some of them has to save girls (like Guybrush). They're aimed at humour and I really enjoyed all of them. Some of my favourite games of all time, especially 5 and 6. Shame they cancelled Space Quest 7

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Originally posted by murta:


The space quest series deals with a janitor (Roger Wilco) who's a total dumbass (sorta like Guybrush), who goes on stupid quests (like Guybrush) and in some of them has to save girls (like Guybrush). They're aimed at humour and I really enjoyed all of them. Some of my favourite games of all time, especially 5 and 6. Shame they cancelled Space Quest 7

Oh man! I totally forgot about Space Quest! It's one of my favorite series of all time! I acutally just played through Space Quest V again (floppy disks).





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