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Wish list for K1


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Unfortunately, I still don't seem to have the hang of scripting. I've spent the last 5 hours banging my head against the wall over a simple "spawn NPC script" Otherwise, I'd probably do these myself.


Temporary recruitment mods - Is it possible to "recruit" an NPC for a limited amount of time, and they leave the party at the end of a given mission, giving their slot back to the "correct" one? I have a mod that lets me keep the droid from Janice Nall's shop, but I'd like to make it so you can "trade in" the little fellow for T3-M4 after the swoop race.


More banters - Y'see, I have 15 written already, bringing it up to 2-3 per character combination. (Yes, this includes Juhani and Canderous getting into an argument). Unfortunately, I haven't had enough practice at scripting to put them in and get them working.


Unfinished modules - Darth 333 let me discover that hidden level to the Vulkar base, and someone was nice enough to do archeology and come up with the Tatooine Rakatan ruins and a Czerka office. Unfortunately, my nonexistant ability to script is preventing me from doing much with it personally.


Yavin 4 into English - I keep hearing about this mod, but can't ever seem to find it. Worse, there may not be an English translation. I could do the dialogue on an English version, though.

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I could put in the banters for you. It shouldn't be too hard. You could e-mail them to me.


If you want to do it yourself, first you must create global booleans for each of the new banters. This is done by editing the globalcat.2da. Then put the banters into the dlg-file banter.dlg. Be sure to put the banters in correct order into the files. Finally attach scripts to the banter.dlg. For each new banter, use the starting conditional:

#include "k_inc_debug"
int StartingConditional()
   int iResult;

   iResult = GetGlobalBoolean("new_boolean")==FALSE &&
   IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_NPC1)==TRUE &&
   return iResult;

To prevent the banter from being used again run the script:

#include "k_inc_utility"

void main()


I don't know how to put in new trigger points for the banters though...


EDIT: Oops! I forgot the banter trigger script entirely. You must also edit the script k_bant_trig.nss. For each of the new banters add the lines:

if (GetGlobalBoolean("new_boolean") == FALSE && 
IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_NPC1) == TRUE && 
IsNPCPartyMember(NPC_NPC2) == TRUE &&
GetDistanceBetween(GetPartyMemberByIndex(0), GetPartyMemberByIndex(1)) <= 10.0 &&
GetDistanceBetween(GetPartyMemberByIndex(0), GetPartyMemberByIndex(2)) <= 10.0 &&
GetDistanceBetween(GetPartyMemberByIndex(1), GetPartyMemberByIndex(2)) <= 10.0)
   AssignCommand(GetPartyMemberByIndex(0), ClearAllActions());
   AssignCommand(GetPartyMemberByIndex(1), ClearAllActions());
   AssignCommand(GetPartyMemberByIndex(2), ClearAllActions());
   ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC(), "Banter");

To allow "trading in" the T3-H8 for T3-M4 add the appropriate dialog to tar02_janice022.dlg and attach the script:

void main()
  AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(7, "p_t3m4");

Finishing unfinished modules and translating the Yavin IV mod into English would be much bigger projects. The only version of Project Yavin IV that I've been able to find is in Polish and I don't understand a word of that.

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