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theforce.net just lost all its class in my eyes

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

"back to the topic.


wasn't it lord of the rings site who did the revote? theforce.net is a star wars site, so they assume everyone who goes there is a star wars fan, that's why they said to go vote again."



It could very well be. But I never said that the LOTR site had class. I can not even give an opinion on it because I never went there so therefore I can not defend or attack it. But the fact was, was that TFN sank down to that level and made a counter-flame. I would think that would be above that site's standards. That was my whole point I was trying to talk about with the rest of you.

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Guest Redwing

Eh? Geez, that's alot of preset expectations you have of me Nexsis. I've never read LotR but I've heard lots of good things about the series. I can't wait to see the movie. (In fact, I've put off reading the books till then so I don't get spoiled.)


As for proving otherwise, who said I wanted to? I was only pointing out that you were acting like the people whose actions you disliked. I did not even say one word in defense of Star Wars.


It occurs to me that when you say "That is kinda funny since you have no clue yet to how big LOTR will be when it hits the world in a couple of months," that you yourself have little better knowledge of this than I do.


As for flaming, two wrongs do not make a right.

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Guest Lord Tirion

"As for flaming, two wrongs do not make a right."


No, but three lefts do. ;)



The way you posted sounded indeed like that. That was how I took it. If that was not what you meant than I appologize. It is kind of hard to read into what each sentence is truly suppose to mean when they are vague like that.


All I am saying, is just wait for LOTR to come out and lets see the reaction =)

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Guest Rogue15

btw, i don't talk like that all the time, especially not around my parents. Actually i don't talk like that at all...well...unless i'm shouting insults at artificial intelligent opponents. and it looked funny.


note: Whenever someone flames you, don't take it personally, just make sure it LOOKS like you take it personally. ehehehe.

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Guest Lord Tirion

If you meant it as a joke than that is fine. I am in the habit of responding to flames like that because of the SWG forums. I was contantly making thoughtout posts only to have a 15 year old come in and make a stupid remark. I hope you understand that would set me off. I did not make a long post like that soley for some little kid to make a smart ass remark. I am looking for an intelligent reply either backing or a difference of opinion. =)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

I was contantly making thoughtout posts only to have a 15 year old come in and make a stupid remark.


Hey, i'm 15! ;)


Anyways tirion, you can't say that you aren't flaming because this whole thread was about flaming the TFN people for what they were doing. You didn't need to do that at all, and if you though t that some people wouldn't get upset at you for doing that, then you were very wrong.


And don't mind 15, he gets kinda wierd whenever he leaves RogueSqudron.net. You should have seen him at JKII.net. ;)


Also, can anyone tell me when LOTR is coming out?


BTW, what are you doing here redwing?

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Hey, i'm 15! ;)


Anyways tirion, you can't say that you aren't flaming because this whole thread was about flaming the TFN people for what they were doing. You didn't need to do that at all, and if you though t that some people wouldn't get upset at you for doing that, then you were very wrong.


And don't mind 15, he gets kinda wierd whenever he leaves RogueSqudron.net. You should have seen him at JKII.net. ;)


Also, can anyone tell me when LOTR is coming out?


BTW, what are you doing here redwing?

Good thread, but I think it turned into a bit of flaming :) Nothing really bad though. Arguing what you believe is good, thats what we are here for!

LotR I think comes out Dec. 18 or a little after that.

BTW Where is Redwing from? I've played him at JK.

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Guest Redwing

What do you mean what am I doing here? Look at my registration date! ;)


Actually, it's cuz 15 dragged me here.


Nice place ya got here. :saberg:

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Guest Lord Tirion

I never said I didn't flame =) Gives Tie Guy some glasses.


I made a simple post about my opinion on the matter and some people went a bit too far and in return I did as well. But now I think we have an understanding of what the post was really about. Some of the posts had some comments that were so far fetched or completely off the wall. All I could do was :rolleyes:

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

Good thread, but I think it turned into a bit of flaming :) Nothing really bad though. Arguing what you believe is good, thats what we are here for!

LotR I think comes out Dec. 18 or a little after that.

BTW Where is Redwing from? I've played him at JK.


He's from RogueSqudron.net, my Alma Mater of sorts in the Forum world.


I still go back over there though, when i'm not here or playing the demo ;)


Anyways, redwing you may have come in the first month, but you never post here, you should though. I miss those technology debates :D

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Guest Redwing

Yeah, Tie Guy, maybe I will start coming here more regularly. Though I've (finally) managed to get a bunch of my *real-world* friends over there, so I won't be leaving RS. :)

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Guest Rogue15

we need some more decent topics in rs.net.....it's getting boring, mega morta, devil doll, greentie, and a few others have turned the place into a slob. It is time i go and bring order to the forum. *heads off to post a few topics*

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, the main problem with RS.net is all of the crap there, you have almost no good topics, its just like people talking about whatever they want. Maybe when they release Rogue Leader it will pick back up and i will visit more often.

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by Tie Guy

Yeah, the main problem with RS.net is all of the crap there, you have almost no good topics, its just like people talking about whatever they want. Maybe when they release Rogue Leader it will pick back up and i will visit more often.


I think thats one of the reasons there not updating it because it's really not worth it if everyones just going to talk about crap. Thats also why the mods and Chris hate spamming because they don't want to see GB.com turn into another RS.com forum wise. But I agree that once Rogue Leader comes out things should pick up again and start to be interesting again.:)

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by Rogue15

well, they could at LEAST update http://www.xwingalliance.net forums!


one reason why there not going too


1)GB is coming out very soon, so wouldn't it make sense to provide more time to this site and hold back on the others?

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Guest Rogue15

no, the others have waited over 3 months, they PROMISED us back in the beginning july they'd update it in 2 weeks, it's been over 2 months!

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*




1) Believe me, it was necesary. Since I cant go up to him irl and punch him in the face, this is the next best thing.


2) My pic is only 40k. Thats nothing. One of his pics alone is 3x more than mine.


Look, it is never necessary to use foul language. Never. Plus, it just seems to me that you have a major attitude problem. Tone it down a little. It is just one person's oppinion, and doesn't necessarily reflect the views of the entire group of people running the site. You seem way too worked up. Plus, I think that the LOTR people were just as immature to do what they did. As far as I can see it, both sides made mistakes and you should just forgive and forget, and not hold this grudge and go around cussing; it's a sin and you need to get over this whole thing.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Captain Fett, do your self-righteous self a favor and dont lecture me. I dont need to come online and have a stranger telling me what I can do or what I cant. I cant stand people who try to make themselves look the better out of other people.... sheesh.

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Captain Fett, do your self-righteous self a favor and dont lecture me. I dont need to come online and have a stranger telling me what I can do or what I cant. I cant stand people who try to make themselves look the better out of other people.... sheesh.


Hey, Nexsis, can you say "hypocrite"? Talk about "self-righteous," all I've seen you do is act "self-righteous"! You seriously need to tone down your attitude problem. I'm not trying to act "self-righteous," and I'm sorry if it came across that way. I know I'm a sinner, too; No one's perfect! Any-hoo, I have my faults, some serious ones, and I admit it. I can be irrational, angry, jealous, and very prideful, but I admit it. You, on the other hand, seem very set in your ways. All I'm saying is that I think you're blowing this way out of proportion and that I think you need to stop blaming everyone and calling everyone else names. Learn to get along, Mister. Name-calling never solved anything! Oh, and one more thing: GET OVER IT!! I think Rogue 15 put it best when he said: "Just shut up!"

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