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How do I mod xbox game saves with KSE?

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You'll need to create a folder structure as described in kse-readme.txt.


Manually specifying the game installation path (Xbox users take heed)


You can manually specify the installation path for KotOR or TSL by right clicking

the node that says "Knights of the Old Republic" or "The Sith Lords". A popup

menu will appear next to your cursor. Choose 'Change Installation Path' and you

will be prompted to browse for the installation folder. The tree will be updated

automatically if savegames are found. Note that KSE expects the following files and

file structure:



\saves\(various save folders)\savegame.sav

\saves\(various save folders)\savenfo.res

\saves\(various save folders)\globalvars.res

\saves\(various save folders)\partytable.res

\texturepacks\swpc_tex_gui.erf [OPTIONAL - for item/spell/portrait picture display]

\override\(.2da files or .uti files) [OPTIONAL]


(As of v3.3.3, the chitin.key and various .bif files are not required)



Note for Xbox users: Sig files


Sig files are signatures that tell the Xbox that the savegame is legitimate. There are

7 .sig files that are required for a legitimate Xbox savegame:









KSE can create the first 6 of them. The SAVE_HEADER.sig cannot be recreated by KSE at

this time. Therefore Xbox users will need to preserve their original SAVE_HEADER.sig

and cross their fingers that it their KSE-edited game will accept that .sig file.


KSE began generating .sig files automatically as of v2.2.0. As of v3.3.2, KSE will

now only generate .sig files if a .sig file exists in your \saves\(whatever) directory.

If you haven't copied over the .sig files from your Xbox with savegame.sav file, you

can create a dummy file with a .sig extension in that savegame folder and that will be

enough for KSE to know that you want to generate .sig files when you edit your game.

When KSE asks where you installed the game, you should point it to the same folder that dialog.tlk is in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I am new to this kinda thing and was wanting to ask a couple questions in line with this thread,


For referance my XBox is completely stock excpet for I have UnleashX on it, to use KSE I would need to have KOTOR2 installed on my XBoxes hard drive (right?) and then copy these files to my computer -



\saves\(various save folders)\savegame.sav

\saves\(various save folders)\savenfo.res

\saves\(various save folders)\globalvars.res

\saves\(various save folders)\partytable.res

\texturepacks\swpc_tex_gui.erf [OPTIONAL - for item/spell/portrait picture display]

\override\(.2da files or .uti files) [OPTIONAL]


and then follow the directions listed above?


Thank you for any help in advance.

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I got told to look here on these forums by Stormsinger after contacing him/her about the saves on their webpage, I was asking them if the had copies of those saves without the max XP.


So I have another question, I was using the ' file explorer ' that UnleashX has on my XBox, and I found all the files that you listed as required (except for the optional ones){EDIT- the Dialog.tlk file isnt int he dowloaded files, only the ones on the XBox} to use KSE on XBox saves, I also found them by uzipping the saves i downloaded form Stromsingers webpage. My question is if I unzip the files and direct KSE to look in the folder I put the files in will that work?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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As long as you have dialog.tlk and the files from Stormsingers' downloads have all the necessary files (including all 7 .sig files), then you should be able to unzip the files into a new folder in your \saves\ directory.


Remember, with Xbox files, KSE can only perform limited changes (numeric changes mostly -- you can't add or remove new things, including the number of letters in your PC's name.)

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Thanks for the reply tk102, your help is appreciated.


All I am wanting to do is reset the saves experiance points to 0, having them at enough to go straight to level 50 is problematic, mainly the first fight after you arrive at Telos.


I used an ARMax to get the files from my computer to my XBox, but I am learning how to FTP them from my XBox back to my computer. I can't just overwrite the old files on my XBox? I have to put them in a new folder?

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What exactly is the dialog.tlk file? I got my FTP to/from my XBox working but I can't seem it find it anymore on any of my saves.

I did go and delete any saves that I had any progress made after the point where Stormsinger's saves started at, which was right at the point where The Exile emerged from the kolto tank on Peragus and you gain control.


I tried playing one of the saves fora bit to see if it was related to what things you have done and/or people you have talked to, but I still can't find dialog.tlk still.

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Well I know I found it the other day but I am still unable to locate it at this time.


The file path is quite differant on the XBox (at least on mine) it goes like this -


E drive - UDATA (folder) - 4a410014 (KOTOR2 folder) - 167B1958DCEA (folder which is differant for each save game) - 000064-slot 64 (folder which identifies the save slot and contains the .sav, .res, and .sig files and where I found the dialog.tlk file).


For now I will keep playing around and hopefully I will find it again. Many thanks for your input tk102.

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Unless you have the game installed on your xbox HD, the tlk file will be on the game disc. If you have it on your HD, it'll be in the main root folder with the xbe.


I don't remember ever seeing it in the save folders. There really isn't any reason for it to be there, since TSL uses the proper file paths -- unlike K1, which used the save folder path in lieu of a proper override folder.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been playing around with KSE on my XBox savegames, and I have a few questions.


1) I was looking around on KSE and I found the " rareitemchance# " under the Globals/Numerics, assuming I can change this without it corrupting my saves, would I want this to be a higher or lower number to find better items?

[EDIT- I looked a bit deeper around the forums and found my answer to this question]


2) I was trying to make a super Jedi by setting my XP high, then loading the game, leveling up, saving then use KSE to change my class and level. But I only received the bonus feats (force jump/force focus/force immunity lines) for the first class I leveled. Is there anyway to make it so I can get all of them?


3) Using the same game save I tried to make the super Jedi on, I started trying out different appearances, such as the nonhuman ones, I tried on of the Twi'lek ones and my characters animations when using combat feats (Flurry and such) were different then normal. I didn't make a note of which model I used and have tried all the Twi'lek models since but now all I see is normal animations.

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2) I was trying to make a super Jedi by setting my XP high, then loading the game, leveling up, saving then use KSE to change my class and level. But I only received the bonus feats (force jump/force focus/force immunity lines) for the first class I leveled. Is there anyway to make it so I can get all of them?

:confused: Can you describe step by step what you had, what you did, and what the results were? I'm confused.


3) Using the same game save I tried to make the super Jedi on, I started trying out different appearances, such as the nonhuman ones, I tried on of the Twi'lek ones and my characters animations when using combat feats (Flurry and such) were different then normal.
That's to be expected. Not every model has every animation defined. Try a Jawa or a Hutt.
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Well I took a level 1 male guardian, used KSE to give enough XP to get to level 12. Leveled him up and got all 3 force jump feats, then I saved and went back into KSE, reset levl back to 1 and changed the class to consular. Went back into the game and started leveling up but I didn't get the force focus feats, the box that says " you have recevied .... " popped up but nothing was listed. I figure it was because I had alrady recevied the free feats at those levels as a guardian. Is there anything that I can change after leveling up the first class that will let the second and third classes get their feats?


I did try just about all the other models and made a list of which ones had various animations. but that twi'lek I tried had different animations and they were pretty cool looking. But I have been unable to find them again, I have tried every model with Twi'lek in the name and I found a 1 or 2 that were Twi'leks that weren't titled as such. I didn't write down which model it was but I do remember it being a red-skinned Twi'lek, which I found 2 that are (twilek_commoner_m_01_a + twilek_commoner_m_01_d). I did have a lot of feats from the switching classes and leveling up. I am just trying to find out if I did see the different animations or I am just going batty.



Unless you have the game installed on your xbox HD, the tlk file will be on the game disc. If you have it on your HD, it'll be in the main root folder with the xbe.


I don't remember ever seeing it in the save folders. There really isn't any reason for it to be there, since TSL uses the proper file paths -- unlike K1, which used the save folder path in lieu of a proper override folder.


I found it again, on my XBox and found out why I 'lost' it. I found it in one of the caches on my harddrive. The reason I couldn't find it earlier was I had played a few other games and it had been cleared. I transfered over to my computer and tried to use KSE with it and it worked just fine.


(I know it is kind of late reply, but I was trying to find a way to fix a messed up memory card using my FTP and saw it sitting there again.)

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