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Dialog Alteration


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I'd like to do this myself, but:

(1) I can't find the file (really embarassing, yes)

(2) I haven't been able to find a decent tutorial on editing dialog (I probably haven't looked hard enough)


SO...what I want to do is add a few lines to the conversation between the PC and Zaalbar right after you save Big Z from the Gamorrean slavers in the Taris sewers.


I'll accept either an offer to do this mod for me, or the instructions to do it myself.

Thanks!! :)

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Well, you first take KOTOR Tool.

Then, you look under BIFs (modules)

You find the one for the Taris sewers (They start "Tar")

Under the module, you will find a submenu for Dialogue.

Use kotor tool to extract that dialogue

Edit as you see fit.

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Well, you first take KOTOR Tool.

Then, you look under BIFs (modules)

You find the one for the Taris sewers (They start "Tar")

Under the module, you will find a submenu for Dialogue.

Use kotor tool to extract that dialogue

Edit as you see fit.

Whoops...I was looking in the RIMs.


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While I stink at scripting, dialogue is my specialty. The highest compliment anyone gave my mods was that they had a hard time telling where Bioware's ended and my started if they killed the sound.

That's why I opted to change the dialog with Zaalbar: so I don't have to kill the sound. All his voice scripts are grunts and groans...a lot easier to duplicate than, let's say, Mission. I originally wanted to create a dialog with Mission, but to preserve realism, I stuck with Big Z because his voice is the easiest to manipulate. ;)

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