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(TSL) Perhaps a less petty fall? (spoilers possible)

Darth Triniq

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First of all I want to thank anyone who would read this and even attempt to assist me in my attempt to roleplay :)


Now, In K1 The way the plot is designed so that once you find out the PC is Revan, it is quite pheasable from a strictly RP point of view to stay light side, but in TSL right from the start it is quite easy to be Dark Side. Every time I play this TSL I want to be dark, but every time a choice comes up in dialog I feel defeated by the pettiness of the options :( I hope I'm not the only one who feels that way.


My main gist is, is there anyway to add more dark and sinister dialog instead of slightly dim and childish temper tantrum sith dialog options?


If there is, my main few starting Ideas are:


(this is not an end all of Ideas, just a general flavor of possibilities)



1) When you talk to a jedi such as zek on Nar shadaa, if you say you are sith and are bitter and anger for what has happened to you, then proceed to kill him, possible a substantial darkside shift?


2) Pettiness is only given minor darkside points (such as killing the random rodian merchant on nar shadaa) but large scale evil, such as bargaining with Vogga to get you a finders fee and thus ruining any change for economic recovery on telos a moderate darkside shift instead of a neutral option? Reson being, such a deal would cause a huge deficiet in the rebublic if they had to see it through, mob prices are not nearly as cheap as gov prices, within a few years they, the republic, would be bankrupted if they didn't stop, thus making all your work futile, yet, for a few years you gave countless people false hope and knew it. That's really evil, messin' with a lot of people, not just one...


3) On Onderon, when you first start and you get the dialog with the "reporter" if you try to understand even slightly you're pigeoned holed into lightside points, perhaps on option to get info and say "A warrant may be useful to fully see this to the end, for now let him be" Get a small darkside shift since you're still uncaring and callous and ultimalety working against the guy ;)


4) loads more force persuade all the time :) using it needlessly should be evil since you are stripping free will from people :)


This is typical of ds points in tsl. you are always rash, rash maybe dark, but it's not the only dark. I don't remember palpantine being petty, I thought he was more secretive and subtle... something tsl and admittedly K1 is lacking. Furthermore, Vader, though consumed by emotion, was not a thug, he did what he felt was necisarry for a greater cause. To resurrrect his wife. What is our motivation? Mindless brutality? No great evil is ever more than a thug with such a motive....


These are just a few ideas of what I was thinking to do for a more intellectually driven, subtle, yet sinister fall. A thug is fun, but not truly evil mwahaha ;) I'm aware that there are dozens, maybe hundreds of new dialog options that would need adding, thus this is a HUGE project, however, I also think this would be a huge boon to the RP experience of the game :)



Thanks for reading my request, I'll be checking up daily for a while to clarify or elaborate :) Hopefully, this can go somewhere, I am also more than happy to give ideas on plot points, I just don't have time to figure out how to mod this myself between all my RL obligations :)

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