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Some small fixes for TSL


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Seeing how so many more people are modding these days and alos in anticipation of the TSLRP being released, I would love to see a mod adding the following changes (which wont be in TSLRP as far as I have been told)





1. If you win Ramana from Doton Het in the Pazaak game you can tell her to get back to work and afterwards you are able to get credits off her every once in a while, however, when using Luxa's Gamoreans to force Doton Het into giving up ownership of the slavegirl Ramana, you will get the same option that basicly tells her to get back to work, but when you go back to the canteen she will not give you her earnings, as she does if you never bring her back to her boyfriend.


2. When Enforcing for Luxa to get money from Opo Chano an option to simply beat him, without killing him, would be nice, after you win he will give you half the cash that he owes and e.g. promise to pay the rest the week after, you can then go back to Luxa and either give her the money and tell her the rest will follow, or lie and say he refused to pay, which results in Opo Chano being killed by the Gamorean thugs, is it possible to show that in a Cutscene? Resulting in some exp and your player getting a nice DS earning.


3. After you have entered Lopak Slusks office and are done fighting, there is a terminal with two camera options, one is an ithorian in a forcecage the other the receptionist at her desk, if you did not kill her comming in. Currently the only thing that can be done is releasing the ithorian, an option under the cameras to overload the desk or cage resulting in the death of the persons would be nice, and you get to kill the receptionist without Kreia talking about phsycotic urges.



Underground Military Base.


1. Inside the Hanger, and in the Reactor Control Room, there are "deactivated telos military droid", an option to fix these, weapon, shield and all the usual and then engage them in patrol mode would be nice, the one in the hangar could walk in circles like the mega-droid, the one in the reactor room should walk out of the room so as to assist with the activated turrets there.


2. If you when entering the hangar decide to walk around the shuttle and pass near the gates to the room where the "Tank Droid" is, a precognition should happen, allowing you to place mines in front of the door to aid in the killing of the mega-droid.


(I always feel like I´m cheating when I do stuff purely because I know what´s gonna happen).



Goto's Yacht.


1. When first entering the yacht you can use the first terminal to blow up a power conduit in the interigation chamber, a prisoner or Interigator (or both) should be present in the chamber. the prisoner should be outside the range of effect when the Power conduit blows and another two options should be added to the submenu you are looking at


A- "Overload powerconduit"

B- "Overload forcecage" (DS points)

C- "shutdown forcecage" (LS points)


If possible you could could put Lasavvou, the ithorian you helped leave Nar Shaddaa, into the prisoner cage, assuming he was not killed on Nar Shaddaa

(don´t know how complicated a check would be to actually make but something like "If Lasavvou Not On Nar Shaddaa Then Lasavvou in cage, Else -insert random alien-")





1. Using the terminal in the "Droid Bay" an option to hack the system and gain administor rights should be added, this will then allow you to blow up the power conduit in the "Power Relay Station", or if one turned right when entering the sublevel, the reverse should be valid for the terminal in the Power Relay Station (not much point though as there are no uglies around that terminal).


2. If you play DS and are helping Azkul, recruiting people for the Khoonda Militia should give you DS points, you are after all sending them to their deaths.

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