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Other characters, from other worlds request


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Okay, this is an idea that's been mulling around in my head for a while. Not quite sure if anything will come of this request, but hey, why not throw it out there.


Basically, my request is for a storyline mod that spans several worlds. (both old, and new if it's conceivable to make a couple new ones) The idea is to incorperate several different characters from movies/books/television shows, etc. Using these characters, a plot-line could be woven together and combined with the story of the game in question (be it the first or the second knights).



One of my ideas being;


Having the main character run into Roland Deschain of the Dark Tower series. Roland would be on said world continuing his quest towards the dark tower, (either he's running low on supplies, or is attacked by something that he can't defeat himself) and the PC would have to choose whether to help him or not.



Another possibility may be to have the PC find himself in the middle of a feud between Cloud Strife and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII, and the player would have to either help one of them, or just let them kill each other. One outcome could be that whoever survives could join your party, replacing someone who you don't want too much.


I don't know, the possibilities could be endless, but I'm tired and can't really come up with any other ideas at the moment, not to mention word them the way I want to...



Mainly, I'm just requesting a storyline mod involving several characters from different stories other than the Star Wars series. Preferably, I'd like it for the first game, although, I really don't mind either way. If anyone would take up this, I'd be happy to help in any way. Just note, I can't really script or model my way out of a paper bag. :\

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I'm not asking for someone to port resources from one game to another. Stuff like what I'm asking for has been done before with the Aayla Secura (sp?) mod, which turns the PC into the twi'lek from the prequel trilogy. Also, the Atton to Fry mod, which gives Atton the appearance of fry from Futurama. Basically, the only difference is, I'm asking someone to turn these characters into placeable utcs and create for them original dialogue files.

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you can do that with the PC because it falls under the "fair use" domain as far as I know, basicly, having you appear as someone else without claiming to be it (since the PC has its lines set for it) However, creating a module, and having a fry looking, or sephiroth, or bloodrayne, or selene, NPC state that it is from somewhere else would not be considered fair use.


if you mean having them appear like "celebrities" and then interacting with the PC without any mention of what they are and where they are from, then yes, that is possible, but any claim by any one of them hinting at being from another game could be enough for the mothercompany to claim copyright violation.


Sorry if my first post was a bit unclear as to my meaning.

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you can do that with the PC because it falls under the "fair use" domain as far as I know, basicly, having you appear as someone else without claiming to be it (since the PC has its lines set for it) However, creating a module, and having a fry looking, or sephiroth, or bloodrayne, or selene, NPC state that it is from somewhere else would not be considered fair use.


if you mean having them appear like "celebrities" and then interacting with the PC without any mention of what they are and where they are from, then yes, that is possible, but any claim by any one of them hinting at being from another game could be enough for the mothercompany to claim copyright violation.


Sorry if my first post was a bit unclear as to my meaning.



Alright, that sounds fair enough. So I guess, legally, something like this couldn't be done. Looks like this topic now serves little purpose.


Edit: Not really sure how to go about getting this closed? Should I just PM a moderator and ask them to close this thread?


Ceasing to post in it will cause it to go away as well. But since you asked. ;) -RH

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