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[TSL]Twi´lek Male PC Request

Jaden Kenobi

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This is something I dont see on this game which is more species as a PC so I would like to ask someone if they could reskin a Twi´lek male and have it as selectable to play as, now I know there is already a Male Twi´lek PC out there and frankly the face was never appeling to my taste he always looked to old.


So what I would like someone to reskin as I said already a Twi´lek male to look something like this: http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/6/60/ShadoVao.jpg


No need to add Dark Side Transtions just change his eyes as he goes down to the dark side.

It would also be cool if they could to skin the lekkus like in the picture, so if possible someone please do this one, Thanks!


(I requested this mainly cuz no Male Twi´leks are visually appeling like the Females and cuz I dont have the skill to skin faces in K2 lol)


EDIT: Also to make it more detailed, the reskin could come from here http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Red_Male_Twilek_PC_Head;73835

Making the face more young and appeling having the skin colour Blue or White preferbly

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